
SO much KK fanfic will come of this.

Around 46% of Jez readers are lazy, gross, and in denial about how precious and delicate they are; you do NOT naturally smell of vanilla.

A lot of comments across the network formerly known as gawker have taken on a heavy “shill” vibe lately.

I’ve been having an existentially critical kind of week, and while HER existence feeds that, the glory of these comments provided the joy to carry on.

It's been going in and out of stock with 5 to 10 available at time. I managed to snag one about an hour ago

It's been going in and out of stock with 5 to 10 available at time. I managed to snag one about an hour ago

This is a great price. It’s the same price I paid for the SB6141. BUT...

This is a great price. It’s the same price I paid for the SB6141. BUT...

I know someone who owns one, and he’s the only person I’ve ever met with enough with enough unaffected cool to truly pull off driving and Eagle un-ironically, and THAT’S probably only because he’s German.

The Future that the 80's promised and never truly delivered. This is Reagan’s ultimate legacy. A Global bait and switch.

YEESSS! Back then it was like an Anime Global Defense Force vehicle come to life.

HA! Always thought of it as a Performance Hearse Coupe.

“crashes caused by road debris went up percent in the past 15 years.”

Really? See, I got the non-HD 6" last year with an SD slot and assumed if the low tier had it that the higher tier ones must as well. Maybe that isn't actually the case. Maybe the know us cheap bastards won't pay through through the nose, but they can still gouge on the higher end.

Really? See, I got the non-HD 6" last year with an SD slot and assumed if the low tier had it that the higher tier

At least most of the new versions FINALLY take SD cards. Didn’t look to see if that was applicable to this model or not, but true, Fire Tabs formerly took the iPad approach of, “You want memory? Fine, then pay 5 times too much for it.”

At least most of the new versions FINALLY take SD cards. Didn’t look to see if that was applicable to this model or

Whatever the reality, Gotham doesn’t think it’s going anywhere for a while. They bought up a nice chunk of studio space in Brooklyn and have settled in as if there’s quite a lot in store.

It’s really just the forearms. Both sections of the forearms look to be roughly the same length, like the way the lower leg appears to be . They liked to do practical effects on TFA, including some droids that you’d swear were CGI, so I’d bet the length of the shins and forearms are physical limitations of practical

Yes. Looking at the Petrushka sizing in his arms and legs, I would be stunned and saddened if he weren’t able to alter his size. If the arms and legs change size, going to beg the whole torso and neck close down in some way.

That’s why these exist. You want to go cleared live weapons, loaded but controlled, or even live fire in training with professionals, fine. They assume a degree of risk.

This and, the hot zones for tropical diseases are expanding north. Cases of locally contracted Dengue for example are increasing in southern Texas, and a fee have occurred in extreme south Florida. Plus Chikungunya. Zika.

Never thought I’d agree with any of the Bundy’s on much of anything, but here we are, AND Trump is the GOP nom; what a surreal world this has become.

I know this is an old post, but there’s something I’m confused about:

I know this is an old post, but there’s something I’m confused about: