
True Story: Hilary Duff is a genuinely awful actor. Have seen it in person. It’s shameful.

Dammit! When are Comcast compatible modems (or refurbs) going on sale again? Seems like we saw them every week, and now that I've moved and have to use Comcast I haven't seen any.

Dammit! When are Comcast compatible modems (or refurbs) going on sale again? Seems like we saw them every week, and

Serious question:

Yup. Braid variant was my first and only thought.

Not everyone in Florida is there by their own volition or has a choice in the matter, but a lot of those people are FULLY aware of how fucked most of the place is. Kind of like how NY, or Texas, or Ohio, or Cali, or Arizona, or any number of states, are mostly fucked. But you make the most out of wherever you’re

Gonna guess that this was a deliberate act by this AssHat, and they intended to let the puppy die because they’re an irresponsible piece of shit.

That's fine, man. Burn it to the ground, but at least take ownership. Don't act as if you were blackout drunk and now you have to deal with the consequences.

Am I the only one who thinks his mugshot looks like The Emperor got a crew cut?

I read once that a 10mph variation on highways costs around 10% mpg IIRC. It may be different with current tech. Still it means that ECO-boost, fuel management, and economy modes look fine on paper, but don’t always transfer to application. With a dongle and Torque app for example, I find I get better mileage in hilly

I drive a sporty Hatch with DI, adequate power, and decent gas mileage in a hilly to mountainous area. On I’s, High’s, and expressways, I like to set the cruise control and leave it. However...

Navistar’s commercial offerings would never survive the market if they weren’t bolstered by the company’s municipal contracts, defense contracts, and tax breaks.

You REALLY want to see suspicious over compensation: bring up ID and flaccidity.

Oooo! Maybe they're planning an update too coincide with a conference announcement and someone screwed up prices while coding a placeholder before it goes live!?

Worked for me about 15 mins ago, but only after a 2nd try. I’d imagine the server may have gotten flooded and bogged.

If you DO think this is something other than cute, I DO know what to tell you: congratulations, you're neither emotionally numb, over medicated, nor a sociopath!

Also, folks who wind up with fucked up children rarely accept much responsibility for that outcome.

I get this, but let’s frame it properly: Yes he’s white, but he’s also an athlete from an at least reasonably wealthy family at an Ivy League School. Blue collar kid from community college would be a perfectly disposable example for a false narrative that justice actually exists for rape victims.

Gonna iron this out right away:

I don't doubt that, I just wanted an excuse to post a Tara gif.

As long as we remember that Whedon was one of, if not THE, original lesbian killers.