
Florida had, and I assume still has, an automatic license forfeiture if you refuse tests. The way I understand this, they ruled there wasn’t adequate probable cause for a test in the first place, so the forfeiture didn't apply.

On the face of it, no. It would not be inherently bad.

As a Rider I get the same stomach knot that everyone else does seeing this, but I wonder if it’s going to become a, “They had me cornered and I feared for my life” scenario. Florida is a Stand your ground state after all.

Can sympathize. Was forced to 2 wheel for many weeks on an ADV bike when I first moved. I quickly learned that I had to give myself an extra 45 mins just to come down from the fight or flight response. To get comfortable and complacent in the that scenario is to abandon self preservation, and it seems like that's the

The eventual solution seems to be what I think of as flipping the HOV concept: priority lanes for autonomous only, fewer lanes for the human behavior/error lanes. Growing pains, and maybe even safe following distance trolls until this pans out.

I honestly don’t think it’s something you’ll have to worry about. I’m sure there will be autonomous only cars SOME day, but I foresee driver control being at least an option until way after any of us are out of the transportation planning equation. It just doesn’t make any sense, financially or otherwise, to force it

I don’t think autonomous control will become standard equipment or a matter of mandatory compliance for MANY decades, and even then ONLY in populous areas - though that does mean mean a radius around major cities, 60% of California, and the entire eastern seaboard north of DC in the US.

Why is it terrible? Do you commute more than 15 minutes a day in or around a city of more than 800k? It’s hellish mindbending exercise in loosing faith in mankind. Took 2 hours to go 40 miles on Fri solely because of a rash of fender benders, congestion, and the “I have to get 3 car lengths ahead RIGHT NOW in this

I REALLY wish Carter wasn’t on ABC.

I showed him my wallet. It’s the one that says Bad Mother Fucker on it. He knew enough to high tail it. We laughed at his dumb ass and threw our crushed beer cans at him. Then headed back to the Pussy Wagon to cruise for foxy hitchhiking backpackers: Grass, gas, or ass baby.

I was just with Sigourney today and she didn't mention a thing about this.

What's the financial commitment of giving these a try? Armada specifically, but really any of the SW combat table top series.

This is also how I envision every Honda Insight owner in my head.

Alamo opened in Yonkers, and I’ll go out of my way to watch stuff there, but they’re only “better” than the unbearable theaters.

Wow, that’s actually kind of... Yeah. Wow. Right?

Please, OH Please, tell us the name of the shop that mixed up the heads:

2018 Chevy Aztec...

Guy getting thrown through the door is Pete. Good man; Solid stunts.

This is unfortunate, but they hardly “supported” it when they supported it. It’s been pretty awful and unreliable from day one.