
You're not wrong. It is almost consistently poignant.

I was supposed to watch this episode with a buddy, but I ended up having to work into the night, and didn't get home in time for the initial airing. Thankfully, FX always repeated the new episode as soon as the first airing ended, and I got home right at 9:55. The second I sat on the couch, my phone buzzed. It was my

This is the episode where I realized I had been watching the closest modern contemporary to Shakespeare. There's Friar Laurence and the messenger leading up to Shane meeting up with Lem. Then there's Kavanaugh as Iago, still alive, though Desdemona is dead. After Postpartum, anyone still claiming that The Shield is

It is almost unbelievable how well they did that.

Much like "Nutshell," "Breakdown" also fit the transition between episodes perfectly. If I want to introduce someone to the show, I usually show them the "Partners" intro. One of my favorite, lighter moments on the show. Awesome that a lighter moment involves a disembodied arm.

Dug into the comments on IMDB. Apparently some assholes with a vendetta made a bunch of ghost accounts and downvoted the show. The IMDB scores mean nothing. Bummer.

There are five episodes left. There is no way the main storyline is just topped off with "Tate is the Killer and complete mastermind." No way they are chasing this dude for five more episodes. There has to be someone else involved. I still suspect Sonia's boss, though I'm probably wrong. I don't know what else the

You just highlighted why I prefer The Shield over The Wire. There are quite a few moments on The Wire where you are flat out told how to think. A character basically says, "The school system isn't working based on the current policies," or "This new idea on how to police drugs would work great, but the rules won't let

This is bleedingstar101 from above.  I simply meant that all three families on Modern Family live in mansions and never seem to work.  I had to drive under 55 on the way to and from work 
all week to save gas to have enough money to pay my mortgage on my definitely-not-a-mansion.
I don't know what planet Modern Family

It doesn't hurt that, despite its exaggerations for comedy's sake, The Middle actually involves a recognizable family in a recognizable setting, while the characters and setting of Modern Family are nothing but pure fantasy.

Were you really laughing when he was cutting off people's feet?  I thought it fit the intensity of the show, but I guess if you were audibly laughing…
I don't know.  I enjoyed what they did with Armadillo in Season 2 and Margos in Season 3.  I also never noticed the consistency issues you mentioned up above in your

There are seven seasons of The Shield, and you are hopeless..  I will just give you a pass and assume that since you are a disembodied arm, you have no method of seeing.

I was gonna do it if somebody else didn't.  This show must be graded on the harshest curve on this website for that episode not to get an A.  That was easily the best thing on TV this week.

Yes, yes!  To Lupin Addams you listen.

Yes, please keep doing these.  You inspired me to finally get the wife into Alias (we got married right after the show ended in 2006, and I haven't revisited it since). Going through season one now, and hopefully we'll be at three by the time you are hopefully recapping it. Not only that, but these have been genuinely

I remember knowing deep down that Dixon's wife had to die, and yet the moment she did, I still let out a long, drawn out, Hayden Christensen as Darth Vader like "NOOOOOO!!!!" Dixon just couldn't catch a break.
Thanks for these recaps, and please continue them.  I agree with the other posters that the first two seasons

For some reason my comments wouldn't stick for two months straight.  Now that they will, I have to say that this show could have either done an insanely downer ending, or a positive one.  As far as a positive ending for the show goes, I think this was about the best they could do.  While a little more resolution for

Yeah, all I kept thinking was, if this was Nate, Luncheonette girl would be pregnant already. It's hard to separate that show from this, even though the two are completely different, as well as Krause's characters.  I still find myself calling him "Nate" more than "Adam."  Same thing goes for David…I mean, Dexter.

Oh yeah, and my guess is that everyone bit it but Tommy, and that he will have to deal with a whole new batch of grief all over again…but who knows…

Todd, A - is right on for this episode.  Some of the wedding stuff was a little grating, but the joy/humor of the first two-thirds, combined with the terror of the last third made for a pretty excellent episode.
I also agree with the Sopranos "Kaisha" comparison, though I'm sure Rescue Me will find a way to inject a