Macho Meal Randy Sandwich

It was down to 75ish percent before Charlottesville.

It's gonna be DISGUSTING if they have a woman outsmart Littlefinger. I will quit the show.

It might make more sense if she is getting played now but then figures it out.

Sheep are followers? Seems like a really convoluted and esoteric reading
She meant "its lunchtime for dragons, i remember because i am old, dragons eat sheep, save king Gendry, tell Davos"

King Gendry

No he promised Gendry a Dragon and an iron throne of steel

The point is Davos is conspiring to put Gendry on the Iron throne.

So an undead version of the Hound would make it a less fair fight? I dunno.

Razor Ramon


This is an army that shot drogon literally one episode ago
Not out of character for the character she is nor the character she wants to be

She is disgusted and probably jealous that all this shit hasn't changed Sansa. Robbs dead, rickons lol, Bran is a tree wizard cripple, arya steals faces to do assassinations, and Sansa still cares enough to ensure she inherited the big bedroom

He wanted to be like his dad.


100% chance sansa is playing littlefinger. She's going to end up Queen in the North eventually and she needs a big court intrigue win. Not going to be many other chances for things like that to occur

"Dany flies Dragon over wall, grabs two walkers, dumps them on red keep"

Two flesh wounds

She'll die in the next 9 months

Or at least "could have"

Wouldn't he have basically married Lyanna on her deathbed and then gone and died?