Macho Meal Randy Sandwich

He will sacrifice himself for the other named characters besides Thoros to survive.

They literally show the flame going over him instead of into him.
I dunno what the problem is.

I like it. He is a good villain and he has been on the sidelines for way too long. I am so ecstatic that he gets ro to engage in some more palace intrigue before the long night.

Trump is the interior designer from beetlejuice

Sucker Punch however, absolutely worst ever

I wish we were talking about Shoot Em Up

yeah you know how pop culture fans love refraining from fantasy casting theoretical movies

yes, but the gun belongs to whoever is between the gun and the ground

I feel like we are such suckers for acting like all this is going someplace.
I dont trust America to care about midterms enough. Can liberals somehow throw off the shackles of decades of careful gerrymandering in 25 districts? Highly doubtful.
If they can't, we are left with a Republican controlled congress being

maybe not on a whim, but definitely for effect.

What happens in Editspace, stays in Editspace

Full Mom Fever

Just pretend there were more. You aren't picking up a hidden plot point

Meh, his redemption is way too pat in the books.

It is weird how "there's too many of the kind of movie with Man in the title" has never been something people wrote about

Sentient Side Saddle

"Gump morning Vietnam!"

Is the redhead kid from the show involved?

From ASOIAF wiki

Jake Sullied