Macho Meal Randy Sandwich

Or canceraids

Theres a ton of political shit in the last 2 books. It just feels tacked on as a way of making it a 7 book series

Why is it a "they" thing?

Differwnt magic

probably also the oldest idea

Yea the "it's because they dont have sources" is wack.
Shit is baffling.

I asked her the name of the animatronics in the Aziz episode of SNL
"peppy ronny, pizza steve who shreds the guitarmesean, chef jeff makes the beatzzas, and uh the girl who played Tonk?"

I have a 5 year old child who almost unquestionably knows more about animated pizza robots than any of us. Ask her anything.

Withered CBz?


Pizzagate: The Undiscovered Country

I love that all the lyrics to their magnum prog opus are "david bowie, ub40"

Pizza Kuti & The Pepperoni 80

The Five Nights at Freddy wave crashed, now that Chuck E cheese has seen the high water mark for interest in pizza band robots, they can feel confident in unplugging them.

Anyone here read current Affairs dot org?
Phenomenally good leftist site. Nathan j Robinson, yum.

There is a lot of right wing criticism of trump out there from people who assumed that historic republican dominance at every level of government would result in a more extreme overhaul of the nation.
Trump's base and the people to the right of it hate the avg congressional Republican almost as much as they hate

Right. Because now we realize just how much there is to be mad about- way too much for any human mind— and we all have media niches we can retreat into.
The war came home in the 60s, but there was still only so much media space to fill with fresh outrages (tho its REALLY underrated how having the wars never BE at home

Also, there are plenty of right wingers who may hate these appointments but approve of Trump on balance.

Yea but they freaked much slower.
One of the interesting ways campuses became centers of dissent is these kids from different hometowns all got their local bad news and realized how widespread the issues were. A lynched black man in Roanoke might make the Roanoke paper but not Charlottesville or Richmond

Yes. It's the same reason people will readily believe the murder rate is skyrocketing and there's child molesters on every corner.