Macho Meal Randy Sandwich

Nah, you're wrong.

Yeah i mean they definitely need their "folks" to buy in at least

Ah ok im not up on the lingo. I thought regressive left was like 'i will bomb 11 muslim countries, fight to the death for wall street's ability to own you, and then wear a pink pin for breast cancer to prove i am a feminist'

He was a good comedian.
I have no doubt he is awful now. He hasnt written new standup in decades apparently.

Yea he was epic back in the day
I don't fault his career choices at all. He had a break, he took it.


I don't really know if that's how the horseshoe theory works

I love how strange the right wing is. The moderates hate all poor people, the extremists only hate poor people darker than a paper bag

Bill Maher upholds valuable real estate on the "oh no actually our entire political spectrum is the fucking worst" scale

"How'd you get Maggie pregnant you old cad? Sure you didn't have an plumbers around?"
"Fuck you lieutenant"
"Alright guys knock it off, we got reports of a helicopter circling the waterfront"

Ive been torn between two wiki wormhole clusters for the last month, on one hand the relentless partisan turmoil of 17th-19th centuries France, check out the hipster here…

Unbelievable fakeout!

Does he do his own tweets for real? I know in the campaign someone proved that a lot of his "off the cuff,Non-pc regular guy" twitter shtick was being posted from phones besides Trumps.
Which seemed so insane until.he just kept winning.

I think everyone, including the president is on board with the russians hacking the DNC now.
But the level of collusion that would need to be provided to make 25 Republican congressmen vote to impeach almost certainly doesn't exist in smoking gun format, and with absolute certainty doesn't exist as an aggreagate of

Ha you are right. Candidate Trump even pretended to be against providing tyrants with tools to inflict tyranny, a legacy Nixon was a vital cog in

And i don't even know how bad he is at being president in a more cynical way.

Look if Trump blunders and farts his way into 1 less persons life being ruined by his administration than the Nixon admin, he can have my Faint Praise Award of being better at being president than Nixon. Just how it is.

Is there a single person out there who will change their vote because of this?


But at least the 'mainstream media' is utterly consumed by shit like this and the Russia Impeachment Goose Chase instead of desperately trying to illustrate how Trumps policies will negatively effect poor people to a degree that makes idealogical concerns moot