Macho Meal Randy Sandwich

Are we getting better then? Because you really cant top Nixon's admin asking themselves "how do we make fewer brown people vote for dems?" And answering it by "criminalizing things everyone enjoys, disproportionately enforce it in black and Hispanic communities, destroy the black family, cause crime to skyrocket

Yup, just some woman. In 2020 write in a Palin/Bachman ticket

Look, its early so this isnt really a fair fight, but Trump really hasnt done anything on the level of Nixon's creating the international humanitarian disaster of the American War on Drugs out of a desire to make america more demographically favorable to republicans , or decades of american regimes employing

I mean, he's on a fairly short list of people responsible for a vast swath of the global political establishment's denial of climate change. Some of them are more directly affronting, but pound for pound Tillerson will probably have the largest negative impact on humanity

Man it is going to be really creepy when he gets re-elected.

So lydia's "far more" comment about Fring or whatever it was.. is this another hint that Fring was involved with Pinochet? I've seen it laid out pretty plainly why that narrative would be nonsensical..but the reverence she shows and her nazi connects seem to point towards…something

It's ok to have a single character make it out of these two series in the thick of a life that isn't in shambles. I would like to hope that Kim and Ignacio both manage to exit the extended orbit of the fringoverse

The 100k she and her friends will now actually get before dying will take the sting out of it.

No im pretty sure they do.

Davis & Main had a lawyer working on her to hold off on getting the payout. They'd rather get 20 million in a year than 10 now, jimmy would rather get a million now than two later. The ladies should be on jimmys side, they might die before they can get any money if they stay on davis/mains timeline. but that sweet

Its a decent one. This guy has built up a huge audience but the vast majority of people know very little about him. Alex Jones is the most popular "journalist" that trump respects. The more 'mainstream' conservatives who see this the better.

So its better to pretend the subway preacher with millions of listeners doesnt exist? Im pretty sure everyone was saying that when he had thousands of listeners, and it doesnt seem to have worked

Imo someone has to do it. People dont seem to understand just how popular Alex Jones is already. Allowing these right wing radio trolls to build up audiences larger than cable news without challenging them in a forum watched by regular people has been a tactical disaster thusfar.

I'm guessing Anita just made him sympathize with the uncertainty the Good Samaritans family is going through

Black Hole Sun but every time they sing 'Black hole sun' is replaced with 'so much for the tolerant left'

Joe Budden seems like the kind of rapper who will call a rapper gay for singing.

its definitely the only music he has made that anyone but eminem superfans is remotely aware of.

Broccoli is a DRAM song

If someone told me baby got back was the biggest rap song ever i would believe it.

Chapelle doesn't come off as a dick at all really.
I think he might consider everyone who didn't leave hollywood with him to be a bit of a scab. I don't agree, but i think he is sincere