Macho Meal Randy Sandwich

Right. He is exploiting idiots. That doesn't excuse him, but it explains him.

Con man. Clearly.

I think he is faking some of it. In general this is his worldview, but he seems to enjoy leaning into the super crazy shit like interdimensional demons

Oliver often gets deep on topics the internet discussion doesn't acknowledge.

I always liked Moshe but he seems like he has really sharpened up lately. His appearance on Rogan was magnificent

Black Knight would probably be on a lot of people's lists. Lawrence was so hot then

How could anyone not like Demolition Man?

League of.. is my go to reference for entertainment that spends an inordinate amount of time introducing new characters

Amazing movie

My first movie date was terrible figure skating movie The Cutting Edge. I did not touch a titty.

Yea its 2017. I have no idea why they couldn't just trust that their name would get out there anyway.

Are these underlined things links or bizarrely placed emphasis?

Henry Blinkler?

The loofah is that weird growth at the top of the vagina right?

Nah. O'Reilly seems much more reprehensible in personal actions and ideaology
But a journalistish can't compare with the pure satan summoning death raining majesty of an american president. The modern embodiment of the beak of the Sumerian God-Vulture Kho the Defiler, He who scatters the shit of the dead.

The big right wing radio guys are pretty much indestructible. Those guys soak up insane controversies and just shit out money anyway

if you squint right, you can see the glimmer of the mainstream right wing media trying to steer out of its tabloid skid. That probably isnt a good move for business though

Wouldn't a more traditional review where someone had taken the time to get to learn the thing be more useful?

I can sell you an 80s gum crate for $30 a month. Its just one crate, but i break the payments up for your convenience

The worst thing about these videos is that now my child talks about wanting "blind bags" and "blind boxes" and shit, and then when she inevitably gets a toy she already has, she feels betrayed