Macho Meal Randy Sandwich

Pretty sure the baby doesnt exist yet

In a 2 hour span i found out one of my formerly best friends bought a restaurant a year or two ago and has been nominated for James Beard awards AND another old friend played with the Grateful dead/ john mayer group

4 people trying to prove to each other that they were mature enough to enjoy themselves

Im just going to go on record and admit that i bought PCP on the street in downtown like 6 months ago.


I think its more "i love Gus. Everyone loves Gus. I hope the show doesnt love Gus to the detriment of what this show has been building"

R O C K in the USA

They aren't that interesting in the grand scheme of things, if anything its probably the most peaceful / least violent time in centuries, there's just a lot more cameras out there now

Robot Roebuck

If Leisure Suit Larry wasn't one of the first 100 things I masturbated to, i'd be shocked

Homebrew is awesome. I don't really play video games often but when I do, its generally a super intendo game played on a Wii that my little sister plastered with Good Charlotte stickers

I think i spent the last hour pondering doing this show with DiMello, and having him gradually achieve humanity before eventually finding true redemption.

Oh you mean the secret Lannister-Targaryen Eeuurrio?

Oh . Your comment made it seem like you didn't know if you should check the American one out or not

It's how SXSW gets away from having to do paperwork for a thousand temporary worker visas

This would have happened at any point in the last few decades if the officials responsible for letting this band in to do free publicity shows determined they were also planning on getting paid to play shows without any kind of work visa.

They were probably detained until there was a flight back.

Probably started a full band march n chant in the office
"Donald trump kkk, sexist, racist, anti gay ! "

Besides the state owning or effectively controlling all major industry

They were denied entry not deported, or there is no effective difference