Macho Meal Randy Sandwich

I kinda tailed off on East of West and Shutter. Good books tho

101/102 are best, but it is great

Oh fo sho' . I meant the rank And file who kinda forgot about protesting it for 8 years.
But if Trump's isolationist streak wins out its probably only a matter of time til democrats are calling him a pussy for not nuking Manilla or something. Because obviously.

I'd like to personally welcome the democratic party back to the anti war movement

Hey Obama didn't blow it up, Saudi Arabia did, using our hardware and software and whatever the Americans set as the default target- how were they supposed to know one of the400 attendees once borrowed a phone from the cousin of the wife of a suspected terrorist named either Haysam or Hashim or Simo who was last seen

War has been down for long time,but we are bombing 9 countries, not counting the places we just provide the weapons, the ammo, and the training to use them along with the tacit approvals that america won't condemn the use of them.

Pretty sure its a million now


The lighthouse song is so overlooked

Budd Hopkins def sounds like a dark white

Have you seen the version with action bronson smoking weed?

I always carry a little DMT with me. That way if i see aliens they will be my friends. Because obviously thats the only thing here worth looking for.

We traded fake UFO abductions for real police brutality

Seems pretty impressive to me

Tyson Chicken Sphere

The weirdest quirk of conspiracy theorists is their desire to make every conspiracy as vast as they can

I agree that things like that are more plausible than
Humanoid beings evolving to build spaceships during the same speck of galactic time as us, who chose to visit us and remain hidden but also accidentally get seen all the time.

People who scoff when someone links a wikipedia article should spend a few minutes reading the editing arguments for awhile.

Every day we come closer to living in an episode of Wonder showzen

He is going to buy the white house and rent it out after it all crashes down