Macho Meal Randy Sandwich

I iike that they are mining their own shit personally.

How many layers of irony are in this post?

I liked this band before they were cool.

I wish the atlanta-NOLA rivalry would heat up.

Im fine with the last minute in a tight game running 15 minutes.

Success creates bandwagon. The reason there are Packers fans everywhere is because they got their bandwagon going in the 60s and those bandwagon fans have grandkid Pack fans old enough to get hammered and talk shit online

All 3 of them are multi generational bandwagon teams.
Thats what you get for being good back when the league was smaller and fewer games were televised nationally.

Going to be dependent on turnovers for sure.

Absolutely. Poor Tony Romo. I literally can't think of another player whose negative reputation is less earned.

Did you misspell Sebastian Janikowski?

True but a QB trying to be the 5th with 3 super bowl wins plus a handful of the most spectacular players in the world is pretty fun too.

The lack of national interest in Atlanta teams is kinda weird. But i guess even if you are a Chicago-esque regional Mecca, you still get hamstrung by not being successful in the 70s and 80s. Falcons have been around - mind bogglingly- since 1966 and had one 10+ win season in 1980, one in 91, one in 98.
Not exactly a

Its a slippery slope. Is black pride cheap because there lot of black people?

I am not an expert but I have a feeling that ship has sailed.doesn't mean we should make it worse, but the damage is done.

Update, kids think porch smells like pee. I blamed cats.

Its weird how often people get called partisan shills for criticizing Obama's right wing tendencies.

They say it takes a lot to spoil the broth
But that's just not the american way

I'd Iove to hear someone incorporate In The Flesh into it

Phish played it halloween. Resonance was not lost

I can't stop rooting for him because I attribute Fast and the Furious to him.