Macho Meal Randy Sandwich

"I made salvia macaroons! With booze in em!"

What's going On? (8 Year Remix)

Phat Beach- Help Me Bongo

Who is going to missile strike us?

I just peed on my porch

"Well, maybe too many Cooks will spoil the broth, but they’ll fill our hearts with so much, so much lo-o-ove"

Phish - David Bowie

"I thought communist bloc was 42nd street in Bensonhurst. I'm just an average long island kinda guy but with big city dreams"

Not today but i think I'm going to start delivering weed there soon

Im just booking who I feel man
Isn't one of the cosbys in a jazz big band?

I had a dream I could book 311
When i awoke they backed out with a letter
I told Don I had an idea thats better
Texas finest Acapella tribute 611

Is Cum Town good? I love Tommy on Race Wars but have pretty limited podcast time

It is during the 12 days of Oscar

I love the smell of facepalm in the morning

Virginias "Lee-Jackson-King Day" which inserts not one but two confederate generals before MLK has to be the most bonkers

Barack Obama only wants you to care about the omnipresent female gigolos clogging our streets and sifting our trash

2016 David cross is writing newswires?

There is nothing more fascinating than that.

Dude would have got like 17 votes if he ran like a normal politician. Now hes president and we get to weigh a2% chance of total annihilation vs impeachment and a 100% chance of the GOP turning the social clock back to 1950

I'm not a "trump is a genius" guy, but i do think he ran a killer campaign that was often counterintuitve but a lot more calculated than a lot of his other detractors assume