Macho Meal Randy Sandwich

It's like when Ricky would get so close to assaulting Lucy that he would switch to Spanish

Yea Shoot Em Up is a delight

Is it really more bonkers than McBain tho?

Still better than the last Cross special

Can you imagine what they were saying about the Greatest generation in 1940?

"Washington Wizards small forward and consummate glue guy Otto Porter! That creep stole my bike! He's getting away!"
"Thats Glue Man! Watch this! That criminal is about to find himself in a bit of a…. sticky situation!"
"What gives? This kids wheels must be defective! Aw rats!"

Would anyone be mad if the last 10 seasons of the Simpson's had been turned over to a succession of weirdo celebrity vanity projects?

OTOH, Ant Man got a movie.

It's so weird how he played a character named Haymitch and suddenly that was a real name people were given by their parents decades ago

When you are bombing 9 countries Gitmo seems like a great idea to keep around.
I'm proud that we still arrest some people instead of just sending robots to shoot missiles at every cell phone they might have ever used

General elections are close because nobody gives a shit about anything but the other team losing. I've never seen so many people admit they hated the person they voted for.

Wagon circling is going to have a big few years here.

In a world where i want the democrats to not suck wall street's dick and bomb everything that moves I would rather have Keith Ellison in 2024 than Hillary in 2016.

It has been a great year for hypocrisy.

It's possible.

I'm sure it worried him a little bit seeing comey waver towards impartiality and actually scold the favored candidate of the man who appointed him

Who is going to impeach him?

She is great at it. Like trump she is one of the few people who really has a handle on how brazen you can be right now.

Well after 16 years of a horrifically bungled middle East policy that only seemed to benefit well placed members in the Bush and Obama administrations along with seriously evil Saudi oligarchs, forgive me if I'm not clutching my pearls.

Why would he shut them down when he has the power of appointment?