Macho Meal Randy Sandwich

But Obama closed it right after he stopped the war…

Good thing he's really old

What did i…PISS?


Probably just a lot of systems and organizations who didn't like the rebellion or considered the empire to be a legitimate succession of the Senate

And a scrappy young jedi named uhh, Pyk Ruddon , yeah

Star wars fans talking star wars here, probably pretty fine

"I'm pregnant"
"That baby ain't mine!"
"Meesa know"

They can maintain it pretty well among actual contact with non whites

Listen to me Cole

Since it started helping you win.

Is this like a thing where anyone being critical of Obama or any federal policy or tradition is a trump supporter?

I like how George w bush taking 9 full months of vacation days more than Obama doesn't matter

They aren't in power yet..

The key is that people in the government are going to start having these massive paper trails that will inevitably fuck them over every time

Kinda. But a lot of these appointments seem like a good indication that most of the bullshit is going to be bullshit we are already accustomed to

"Anyone here like B3-D46-H1?"

Steven Segal just blew up the Snake Eye Strip Club

Code of Honor is the best bad early 90s action movie of 2016

The way I describe how Adventure Time and Steven Universe work so well for me is "emotional honesty", I'm not into super dark soul rending stuff so it's nice to have something that feels really honest that I can also watch with my kids and also has fantastical stuff and trippy visuals