
I, similarly to Penny, hate you so very much.

I responded by making a good meal and knitting. It helped, at least as a temporary balm.

I just snort-laughed, not because what you said was truly funny, but more of a gallows humor thing where I've just spent the past few hours reading about sex trafficking and rape in India, so I don't really know how I feel anymore besides deeply upset.

Sigh, I love Jeanne Shaheen.

Absolutely! The experience when I was 20 completely changed me, and obviously. It had been during study abroad (of course), and upon returning several of my friends commented about how much I had changed. It was an incredible shift.

I am right there with you! I was 16 when I had my first kiss, 20 when I first 'hooked-up' with somebody (also a bit of a one-night stand, with a really nice guy who was one of the best lovers I've had), and 22 when I lost my P-in-V virginity (with a dreadful man who I hope has constantly itchy armpits).

I see what you're trying to say with commodifiction, but I'm not sure it's your place to tell me, or anybody else, how to define their sexual 'awakening', I suppose.

Well, I think she said he was the best looking one of the bunch, but had a weirdly shaped head.

They also had Shara Worden with them (the Queen) who I love more than almost any other artist in the world. I was sitting behind Colin's parents and my friend (not knowing this) mentioned something about him being homely.

Also, your username is the best damn song on that album. Saw them play it live once and I nearly shat my pants it was so fantastic.

I know, really? REALLY? This has to be one of the dumbest articles they've posted, ever. I'm all for a fashion article, but this is just lame. And body-shaming.

You do? Where do you live now?

I hope you succeed! They're a bunch of douche nozzles and they'll get what's coming to them—which is to be out of a job with nobody there to support them.

I hope so! I have faith in Michigan and the smart people there who don't want to see their state go the way of the shitter.

I don't want that to happen! I want you smarties to triumph! I hope it never gets to that point, because that's a terrible way to learn their lesson.

Thank you! Please, spread that baby around.


Snarling bog banshee. Beautiful.

I have never been so happy as the day the Frenchman killed the rooster at the farm where I lived for a month. That flippin' rooster would wake my friend and I up every morning at 4am (when we didn't need to be up until 7am) because he was sad that he had been kicked out of the coop by the bigger rooster.

Can't we all just share? Come on, Sam Taylor-Johnson, don't be selfish. At the very least, share your secret to success.