
It wouldn't surprise me, given the crazy shit they pulled. Our state really pulled itself together this election. I hope we're smart enough to continue this trend.

Shudder. But he's gone now! Yay!

Ugh, sometimes they are crazy up there. My hometown and the two town (really, they're like 500 people apiece) are crazy liberal, but as soon as you step out of that little bubble it's a different story.

That's a fair assessment. In fact, that's perfect.

I only saw them randomly in Durham, which was never going to go Ovide anyway. And I imagine he is so disconnected from reality that we'll see him again.

I've always described NH as the most conservative of the New England states. Conservative may be the wrong word, though, and Maine can give us a run for our money sometimes. They can have that money, though.

Oh, and did you see the wonderful ones "Ovide: Wants to Get Rid of Kindergarten"? I haven't entirely decided if they were satirical or not, but it made the surprisingly large margin of victory especially sweet.

Isn't is wonderful? And O'Brien is out! I work at UNH, so yesterday was heaven for the faculty and me.

There's probably some overlap in broadcast stations. It's a weird zone along the Seacoast NH-Maine-Mass border. We share a lot.

It was amazing!

I did not expect to love that as much as I did. That was some beautiful M.C. Hammer times.

Well that's not very nice of him.

Oh yeah, so many artists were super skeevy pants. Gauguin on his own may not have been terribly guilty of exoticism, but he was also targeting an audience that reveled in exoticism, just like so many artists at the time. Sure, he was painting what he saw, and the observational aspect is really important, but I don't

Hm, you bring up an interesting point. I'm not sure I can answer all your points, but is there something to be said for the difference between 'inspired by' and 'copying'? I have never really like Gauguin, for the exact reason you stated above. The whole Orientalist movement has always irked me, because I don't like

There is not enough said about how sexy it is to be polite and respectful. I love manners!

I think I'll try again once I've finished Song of Ice and Fire. I could use another gigantic book to read.

That sounds lovely and cathartic, in a horrible way.

I like you. I like you a lot.

Oh, I have no idea. I meant friends in a loose manner. I won't say I'm a Luddite, but I've mostly bluffed my way through technological competency. Seems to have worked so far.

Sounds fantastic! One of my favorite errors in judgment was a redhead. I've dated him twice, separated by 6 years. Ah, James, you bastard. You beautiful bastard.