
Before internets and steaming, TV downtime meant having to watch whatever syndicated rerun you could settle for. Now with Netflix, et al., we have the power to actively choose what TV series we want to watch, on a whim, for the 100th time.
There are 3 series: IASIP, Happy Endings and Peep Show, where I have watched

So basically Denis Leary's "understanding" of what may have been… Which probabaly means it s 3rd or 5th hand "information"? And via IGN?? More importantly, who gives a shit at this point? (said the guy who read thsi article).
Regardless, there is one true constant: ASM3 would have sucked no matter what…

22-20s and Far.

From what I gather on AV Club comments… there is no worthy director of Star Wars, and all directors everywhere suck dick, though I'm sure most of you pretentious pricks would jizz in your own mouth if Star Wars was directed by Wes Anderson.



Just cracked open my list of people to not know, added 'I HATE DONKEYS'.

Making characters do retarded things isn't effective tension building.

In other words, this movie was effective and good to people who don't usually watch these kinds of movies.  Makes sense.

100% accuracy to what?  The whole 'based on a true story' was a lie to begin with.  Look it up if you don't want to believe me.

Christ… how many comments did I have to scroll through before I finally found people who realized this movie was bullshit and horrible?  Thank you.

Its torture porn because of the boring 45 minute intro.  If I wanted 45 minutes of scenery, I'll just head down to the local science center and watch one of their IMAX films.

I'm so confused because I like the movies you listed but found Wolf Creek to be the most overrated and boring horror film of the past decade.

Can someone explain to me why Forrest Gump has become toilet paper for the film snobs to wipe their asses with?

Can someone explain to me why Forrest Gump has become toilet paper for the film snobs to wipe their asses with?

Meh.  You need better reasons for Lebowski and Barton Fink other than 'don't get it' and 'doesn't click'.  Especially when practically every film geek on the planet will give you all the reasons they belong.
There's plenty of things on the list I personally don't get, but I would in no way deny their right to be on the

Meh.  You need better reasons for Lebowski and Barton Fink other than 'don't get it' and 'doesn't click'.  Especially when practically every film geek on the planet will give you all the reasons they belong.
There's plenty of things on the list I personally don't get, but I would in no way deny their right to be on the

Well… lets see… you watched the film IN high school, which means you obviously didn't go to high school in the 70s… much less the 80s or 90s, and rather than conclude that the behavior in the film was probably a norm that has changed by your generation, you just dismissed it altogether as 'unrealistic'?

Well… lets see… you watched the film IN high school, which means you obviously didn't go to high school in the 70s… much less the 80s or 90s, and rather than conclude that the behavior in the film was probably a norm that has changed by your generation, you just dismissed it altogether as 'unrealistic'?

I was 10 or 11 at the time… I ended up getting the OST simply becuase it had a Batman logo on it.  Seriously.
First thing that weirded me out was an entire OST by ONE artist.  Of course, its not unheard of, but rare (around the same era you had the Pink Cadillac OST… and later on the Young Guns 2 OST which was all Bon