
I was 10 or 11 at the time… I ended up getting the OST simply becuase it had a Batman logo on it.  Seriously.
First thing that weirded me out was an entire OST by ONE artist.  Of course, its not unheard of, but rare (around the same era you had the Pink Cadillac OST… and later on the Young Guns 2 OST which was all Bon

pfft.  You lack conviction.  I can tell by your arbitrary inclusion of 3 other actresses after an ellipsis and stating 'only true'.  Make a definitive statement then pander.  Do you work in government?

pfft.  You lack conviction.  I can tell by your arbitrary inclusion of 3 other actresses after an ellipsis and stating 'only true'.  Make a definitive statement then pander.  Do you work in government?

Process of elimination is actually a fairly simple exercise.  The only people who can't handle it are ogres with no patience.

Process of elimination is actually a fairly simple exercise.  The only people who can't handle it are ogres with no patience.

Based on your description, I'd say its coming in waves actually.  I discovered it a couple of years ago, on DVD, before Netflix streaming… remember there was a surge then when it hit DVD?  And it was the original fans, combined with the new fans that discovered it via DVD, that started calling for a new season.

Based on your description, I'd say its coming in waves actually.  I discovered it a couple of years ago, on DVD, before Netflix streaming… remember there was a surge then when it hit DVD?  And it was the original fans, combined with the new fans that discovered it via DVD, that started calling for a new season.

Other than being be 50 years older.

Other than being be 50 years older.

No, I think that was kind of the gist of Todd Margaret was that it was becoming increasingly more and more ridiculous over time, all because one man could just not bring himself to be honest about anything.

No, I think that was kind of the gist of Todd Margaret was that it was becoming increasingly more and more ridiculous over time, all because one man could just not bring himself to be honest about anything.

"If you're blind… yes I am the wrestler"

"If you're blind… yes I am the wrestler"

How much money are Pattinson's handlers giving away in some attempt to make him look like a legit actor?  Bel Ami, that thing with Cronenberg, now this.

How much money are Pattinson's handlers giving away in some attempt to make him look like a legit actor?  Bel Ami, that thing with Cronenberg, now this.

They ALREADY disowned Ratner… I don't know how much more blatant they could be about it.  The loose ends from X3 remain loose, then messing up the continuity with First Class.  And now 'alternate universe' to explain it all away.

They ALREADY disowned Ratner… I don't know how much more blatant they could be about it.  The loose ends from X3 remain loose, then messing up the continuity with First Class.  And now 'alternate universe' to explain it all away.

A LOT of people think Hardy is actually IN Promtheus because of this Logan feller.  I went into the movie without really reading anything about it before hand, only knowing off the top of my head about Theron, the dragon tattoo chic, and Fassbender… and actually initially thought it was Hardy too.

A LOT of people think Hardy is actually IN Promtheus because of this Logan feller.  I went into the movie without really reading anything about it before hand, only knowing off the top of my head about Theron, the dragon tattoo chic, and Fassbender… and actually initially thought it was Hardy too.

"Dont… Scream."