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    Nemecheck deserved a full on ass whoopin’. You’d be a fool to think that wasn’t entirely intentional. Nemecheck had nothing to lose, he’d already secured his Chase spot, remember?

    Do you really think no one in Australia owns an illegal firearm?

    I mean....that just goes to prove that gun control in Chicago doesn’t work. Doesn’t mean a damn thing.

    You know, it may just be that simple.

    You keep saying that, but you’ve yet to offer a solution.

    Lol that’s to assume he’s even in the office. Apparently he’s on track to take more vacation days that any other President before him. And he’s only been in office 3 months...

    Well, according to these guys logic, you’re not a responsible enough human being to own those weapons. It’s not a matter of if you’ll shoot someone, it’s a matter of when, because clearly all gun owners only have them with the hopes that they’ll be able to kill someone someday. There’s just no way that a gun owner

    “we clearly can’t handle the resonsibility”

    So how do you propose we remove the illegally obtained guns from the criminals that have them? Do we go into inner city neighborhoods where we KNOW the rate of illegal ownership is probably double, maybe even triple of legal ownership?

    Lol....do you really think more gun control is going to keep guns out of the hands of criminals that didn’t obtain them legally to begin with?

    The Death Penalty.

    My favorite retort to that “Their just teenagers/kids/young adults” argument. We were all teenagers/kids/young adults at one point, but I’m willing to bet the vast majority of us don’t have murder charges. I’m sure we’ve all had speeding tickets, maybe some theft here and there, who knows? But I’m confident that

    “Little or even no proof of guilt”.

    Sooooo....the better option is to what? Sit there and get shot?

    Maybe even a Priest or some other form of religious leader, since it seems 99% of convicts “find religion” in prison.

    $50 says the shooter and his partner in crime are African American.

    I didn’t know how bad I wanted one of these until I configured one. The Nerello Red is something:

    Not to worry. Look closer, they’re not fully autonomous yet. There’s still a human sitting in the driver’s seat, so they also aren’t “Driverless” yet.

    Just my two cents, but I say we quit calling shit “Driverless” until there’s no human being sitting in the driver’s seat. All of those videos have human beings in the front left seat. In America, we call that the driver’s seat.

    UPDATE: Some commenters have noted that the sidewalk is blocked in the Google Earth images. That’s an issue. It’s not clear if that’s unusual, and the trucks were normally on the street, or what.”