
A lot of people are woefully uninformed about his Naval career and his antics there.

What a lot of people don’t realize is that McCain’s first wife was a model. While he was a POW, she was in an horrific car crash and nearly lost her legs. The surgery to save her legs cost her 3 inches of height. So he left behind a young, tall, slim model wife and came home to a short, heavyset woman scarred by a car

McCain wasn’t a great Navy man. He crashed 3 planes being reckless, not heroic, and if not for his granddaddy Admiral who was born on the family plantation, he’d have rightfully lost his wings. He was known to be an asshole as a Naval Officer and also to the women in his life (he called his 2nd wife a cunt and he

I mean Cheryl Song couldn’t even dance, wasn’t attractive, and literally was put on because Black men are obsessed with non black women with long hair. I dance better than her and would never have been allowed to embarrass myself down the Soul Train line like that because I don’t have 3 feet of hair. The way that

An Asian guy would totally get away with messing with Black women. The only people who would push back would be other Black women. No men would help a group of Black women out together.

If you are on the West Coast, so do the Black dudes.

I live in the Bay Area...this is very true. And same with Black dudes who post pictures with no other black friends, with a picture that is clearly cropping out a white or Asian woman pressed against their face or body, or kids that are clearly black and Asian. They are no different from many folks who basically see

So true...our immigration laws favor people who are wealthy and educated...yet people think that them coming here and being “wealthy and educated” is proof of cultural superiority. One of the funniest things I’ve seen in the Bay Area is white people who move from the East Coast and are shocked that their mechanic or

Um, you overestimate how much anyone cares about Black women...nobody would done what you claimed for a bunch of black women. I’ve been a black woman since I turned 18. Black men don’t do this for us which is why everyone feels comfortable treating us like this. Hell, most black men would have tried to get that lady’s

Actually when you hear their reasons, it has to do with an idea that Asian women are more subservient, stereotyped as permanently skinny, childlike, and adoring of her man. So they see the Asian stereotype of femininity as being superior to that of the corrupt “western” feminist.

She looks like her man lets her call him “my n*gga”

I saw that nonsense on Twitter. The girl arguing that is a clown. I don’t know what her long game is, but she was ridiculous.

I had a friend who dated one of those white guys. I was struck by the fact that a)her POC-ness was not offensive to him like blackness and b)his Nazism/white supremacy was not a deal breaker for her either.

White adjacent no. But trust, they aspire to it and there are pick up artists who try to teach each other how to appeal to white women. Also, don’t ignore that Asian men have assaulted Black women on video and faced no charges. They may not aspire to whiteness, but you don’t need to in order to engage in and get a

Our people need to remember that if they want to sex up non black folks, they need to let them know that racism, antiblackness, and cosplaying Blackness are not on the table. Of course, too many of these folks get access to Black bodies not by chance but by people who actively think Blackness is inferior, so it’s not

You are forgetting that we’ve seen Asian men punch Black woman squarely in the face on video, so don’t be too sure that an Asian man mocking black women would have elicited a different response from the management. Black women are treated like we are not women. Not in comparison to other women, and not when threatened

To quote Janet Mock, he was born a baby...

They don’t care b/c there is a better than 50:50 chance corporate backs them up. He lost that gamble this time but Waffle House for example backed up the MethAnne that called the cops on Chikesia Clemmons.

There is always that tipping point where the subtle work they do to prevent wrinkles either shows up all at once, or that time they are finally convinced to do a lot at once.

Someone already mentioned this but Ashley’s husband wants a hot young wife who wants to party and sit on his old dick but Ashley actually wants stability and family and to share her good fortune with her mom and brother.