
Solange’s hair in that gif is a wig. Easy to get a perfect style on hair you can take off and don’t have to worry about damaging. She wears a lot of wigs but I notice people mostly praise them as opposed to to her own, very kinky hair, which she actually cut short again and bleached.

Right. She looks very unambiguous and she’s usu. wearing wigs or weaves.

Kamala doesn’t look ambiguous to folks. She just looks like a not dark skinned black woman. She wouldn’t stand out in any crowd of not dark black people with two black parents. They look nothing alike.

Not a race or a phenotype. Try again.

Thank you...this person is on some colorstruck bullsh*t where Latinos are just lightly black and ambiguous when that is some complete nonsense.

Most Dominicans I know are much darker and way less ambiguous than her. You know who else is part black. Black Americans descended from slaves. This understanding of black people who happen to speak Spanish is pretty pathetic.

Not all biracial people are light or even ambiguous.

Dominican isn’t a race or even a phenotype. Plenty of Dominicans are dark skinned and kinky haired and I wish people would stop using it as a stand in for ambiguous or beige, because it is neither of those things. It also contributes to the erasure of the dark skinned folks who are treated like an anomaly in their own

He has to be white with his insistence that he is posting a picture of dressing and claim that it is dry cubed toast.

You are white, and as I mentioned, you know dick about dressing and can keep your nasty white people food and unseasoned turkey.

They have the titles but don’t have duties and more importantly don’t get an allowance. I think that makes it less interesting to everyone. Plus not likely they’ll marry anyone that allows their titles to be passed down, which is the case for Princess Anne’s kids. A British person could probably explain if it matters.

Shut the fuck up. Trump is president. Loads of black kids, women, and men have been killed by cops and you want to come through with this kumbaya bullshit. You sound like a bullshit gaslighter who probably denies your black girlfriend’s racist experiences or calls people racist for using the word white. White people

Yes. You have to love how colorblind and egalitarian white people love to pain themselves they don’t get the racial dynamics here at all, and how white people are often shitty, low key racist “friends” to black people. It’s not having white friends that is the problem. It’s having shitty white friends. Until

Yes, white people really have the high ground when it comes to judging black people are “racists”. You all are ridiculous. If you had any kind of moral standing here, Trump wouldn’t be president.

I hope that one day Malia gets to make out with an actual hot dude. Because it definitely hasn’t happened yet.

Also, both pictures you posted were made by white hands. You don’t know anything about Black Thanksgiving if you don’t know this.

If you think that dressing is cubed, dry toast than you definitely don’t know what it is. And are probably white. Both pictures you posted look like white supremacy and sadness.

Look up Common Law. There is a perfectly logical reason why different countries have different legal rules. Google is your friend here.

Different legal system with different original of the laws of the land. Look up Civil Law vs. Common Law. It might help you understand some of it.

Not really. US law is based on civil law. South African law is based on common law (as is the UK). They have features we don’t have (in the case of the UK the possibility of calling for private prosecution in cases were the state declines to press charges). I’d suggest not calling things “crazy” when our system lets