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    This one has just come back to haunt me. At the time of writing,well ten minutes ago, I now have four, yes 4 almost running Aston Martin Lagondas. Someone I have never met just dropped one off a flatbed “ I heard you like these, grandad just died and I thought you might like it” They are all fucking mystery cars, they

    Nobody has mentioned my thought, Ultra luxury sleeper trains. Full on five star hotel on rails trains. Subsidised tickets for the young. Believe me, on one of those, when the sky gets dark anyone with a pulse will think that sexy cuddling is a good plan. Pretty sure it would be cheaper too.

    The well known fact that the whole internet hoax is run by extraterrestrial purple octopuses ( see, you thought I was going to say Lizards, be honest) is not something that has ever properly addressed, which is why this gibberish has turned up, delivered by a radioactive pigeon called Clive.

    Now playing

    I am one of those people, I raced this one for three years on a tiny budget, the engine is fairly bombproof. It still amuses me that in full Florida boulevard trim the make for lovely relaxed cruisers, a bit of fettling here and there and they will set your trousers on fire. (My next door neighbor came over to explain

    See, it is easy, between us we have fixed a problem, made a television spectacular, raised the profile of the WEC to a whole new audience and brought peace and joy to an otherwise slightly fractious part of the world.

    According to Google maps this is doable and should be done, Tulip book rules,


    If I am going to spend money on a beach car?

    Leather is the hard wearing stuff the driver sits on, the owner sits on West of England Broadcloth. True luxury, tightly woven woolen fabric, deliciously cool and breathable in summer, warm an cosseting in winter.

    Until someone can get close to the Citroën Xantia Activa V6 I remain unconvinced

    Annual or 50 000 mile service cost from HR Owen (London based main dealer) £595. My local independent Bentley specialists charge £300. They are not overly complicated beasts and beautifully engineered so most things are doable yourself but a fully stamped service history is worth loads when selling the thing on.

    That silvery grey thing, I cannot remember what is was called.

    I am not a fan of cruise ships but I do think that this needs some more thinking.

    If I can have two I will take a Honda and an old Fiat. A Fiat Jolly on a subtropical island and a Honda Jet to get there.

    I actually know someone who lost one of those Chiron keys down the back of their sofa. It was cheaper to rip the sofa apart than replace the key! (It will not surprise anyone if I mention that  he is a motoring journalist)

    You could import one into the UK. As an agricultural vehicle, it would need an orange flashing light and be limited to 35 mph but you could have one.

    I would aged parents and newborn infants to the list. Also kittens.

    A person of taste and distinction,

    My Bentley is such an extrovert that no-one notices me getting in and out of it, it just trundles about doing car stuff. In the same way that historic houses do sometimes get lived in by ordinary looking middle aged dudes.

    All true, and all why, even if I had the money I would not buy one. BTW, it is one of the most pleasing cars to drive that I have ever met.