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    A car I have driven is the 1905 Darracq, this is not me driving it!

    When Concorde was flying regular flights it used to go supersonic as it crossed the coast(UK), sometimes you could hear dull thud. Male pheasants tn the mating season, beat their wings together and make a just subsonic boom. Every time Concorde did it’s party trick half the pheasants in England squawked loudly and

    The AA in the UK (Automobile Association) started as an organization to warn motorist about speed traps. The large badge indicating ones membership came about because this was frowned upon. So if one was motoring and passed an AA patrolman,and he did not salute the badge one should stop and ask him why .

    I am full of good whisky, and I own a locomotive or two. And some cars. the safest one is the scariest because it is stupid , safe under 30 mph, full on 110mph, it is safe because over 60 is a bad idea

    If you find that the driving conditions are not what you are used to, Slow Down, you are not a racing driver, you are you, racing drivers pull off and change tires rain ex and more, Yes I am not American, and have driven very fast in the rain, I am still alive, just. 20mph in heavy rain is too fast.

    I have ridden a tweaked ‘Busa. I am not sure if I was in control.Do not check Top Fuel Dragster on the interweb!

    I do not understand this thing, if I want a bdsm dungeon I would like more space, if I want a car I would like to be able too see out of it whilst driving. I suppose there will be a market for these, somewhere.

    My Bentley was built in 1931. And, yes I went to the shops in it today.

    The front bit was a small (ish) car, you left the back bit in the garage when commuting, hitched it up the back to do family stuff, the rear wheels of the little car hoicked themselves out of the way and hey presto. Big car.

    I have one of these, albeit it dark green. It is hilarious, a stately home that thinks it is a racehorse. I have it serviced once a year at a fixed cost of £ 480. For the naysayers, try before you buy, yes it is a stupid indulgence the tyres are silly ‘spensive and it makes sense for stupid reasons. The service

    In former times, ‘mid war an’ strife,
    When French invashin threaten’d life,
    An’ all was arm’d to the knife,
    The Fishermen hung the Monkey, O!
    The Fishermen wi’ courage high,
    Seized Monkey for a spy,
    Hang him says yen, says another he’ll die;
    They did, an’ they hung the Monkey, O!
    They tried ivery means to myek him


    Bother. sorry,

    In a recent edition of Hornby Magazine there are is a detailed description of how to re-create this in 00 scale (4mm/ft),

    These things are seriously unhinged, they are classified as kit cars here, I have competed in class C endurance races, a well sorted Ultima is quicker from every feel, driving one on English roads is frankly terrifying , think about overtaking that 60mph lorry? change down a gear and press go. Things get very serious

    The French really really like a fart joke, abridged from wikipedia;

    I have always liked the Gordon Keeble badge:

    A lot of these are finding a whole new life today. I spend a lot of time playing with toy trains, or creating fine scale model railways depending on who you ask. Many of my locomotives are fitted with tiny speakers and even teenier digital sound systems, there are clever people who digitize these old recordings, clean

    I really hope that the owner is an architect.