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    Thank you for this. It is odd, I suppose, that I should even comment on US law but I did.

    You have just watched a human die, for your entertainment. Free bread for everyone!

    I watched it from beside the track, the gasp from the spectators was louder than the car. The thing was literally breathtaking!

    Meanwhile, in a small corner of England a real 2000hp electric SUV is available now,

    I do not know about US traffic law, but in the UK there is an offence of “driving without due care and attention”. Without question Mr. Russell should receive a summons.

    Emphatic NP, nice examples go for around the £30,000 mark.

    I think you are right, the FuelShark does nothing, this guy actually did something bad to those who did not buy it.

    It was so astounding to watch that I think most people missed this little titbit, McMurty automotive received full DVLA approval for the car on Saturday.

    I do not think that one joke outing makes the Citroen ID19 an unsuccessful race car, the DS’ first outing was in the Monte Carlo Rally in January 1956 when a car driven by Courtes & Court de Payan achieved a first in its class.

    Tiny picture of Herr Loof, although the story is sadly, wrong.

    Hayabusa swap?

    I think your artist in residence drew a Maserati,

    My dad didn’t really do cars (he was over 60 when he got his license) but he really liked his DAF33.

    It is a start I suppose,

    or race everything

    The near hour long drive in the wrong direction on an unfamiliar motorway caused by my partners inability to read maps, where to only entertainment was the increasingly acrimonious discussion from the back seat as to whether “wiver” was an acceptable answer to “I spy with my little eye something beginning with R” (The

    Would it be possible to introduce a bill that tells these idiots to go jump in a lake?

    Gordon Keeble