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    I was hoping for one of these, just so ridiculously unnecessary;

    I am a serial SM owner, and would agree that they make terrible project cars. Really Terrible.

    Nice Price, but I have been seduced by this,

    will be built without Connected Navigation and Connected Built-In Navigation”

    Good luck and good wishes, I have a vision of a big old bus towing a string of smart cars around the Midwest

    I have no problem with a Defender with extra seating and cargo space, but that rear overhang is just silly.

    If you did not leave the party with either a) an unplanned addition to your family or b) a condition that initially baffled your local clinic ( or both) you were not at a 1970's James Hunt style party.

    No, do not buy it until you have read this, it will not put you off at all.

    Mercedes 600 pullman vs London.

    Imagine Ford offering a basic no-frills car for $6,000

    Interestingly, 1905 was the first year when gasoline powered cars outsold EVs. Their popularity was because of increased range although there was concern about the lack of gas stations in many parts of the US, particularly in the rural midwest.

    Apple car, Orange car?

    We reached peak off-road buffoonary some years ago,

    I have come to the inescapable conclusion that there is a perfect summer car.

    Technically, erm yes, but I like to think of it as a bunch of four cylinder engines in a heap.

    Now playing

    It has just occurred to me, this is a 4X4! It doesn’t sound too shabby either.

    This one would probably work out about the same price, $29000, it is in Spain.
