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    It needs to be parked twenty feet to the right.

    It is obviously updated transport for an Electric Monk.

    Here is the UK test manual,

    Now playing

    ND, and can I offer an alternative to both this and yesterday’s Lamborghini?

    Average UK price? Premium $8.76 per US gallon .

    Rolls Royce, because they will paint your car any colour you choose!

    I found five, average price $125,142.o9. So, also begrudgingly, Nice Price.

    the original wheels and exhaust are included”

    The interior would cost around £20,000, plus sound deadening. Also the suspension will need reworking (or completely redesigning) as the weight distribution will be different, as will the acceleration and lateral forces., oh, and the brakes...........

    Probably, but every rep driving one thought they were Alain Menu!

    Ford said performance rivaled the Mondeo at the time. And if you’re wondering, trust me, it’s no sports sedan.”

    Other brands are available

    The navigation system in ALL my cars has been broken since Saturday.

    For those not familiar with “Le Monstre”

    Wells Vertige,

    The Germans invented the SUV coupe segment

    It depends on how many pop-up headlights,

    NP, A new wiring loom will set you back $490

    I lived in Amsterdam for a year, It was what I think is now called “an intervention’”24 year old me had somewhat overdone things (I think that might understate stuff)_so, I was offered a job I could not refuse, manager of a very well known tourist trap bar. It turned out that my job was to turn up once a week to have

    You win the prize!!