How much does an old motor torpedo boat cost? (asking for a friend)
How much does an old motor torpedo boat cost? (asking for a friend)
This is one of those rare occasions when I wish I had very young children.
Five year old me was obsessed with crop rotation.
You do realise that the generic shift knob is custom made to fit the drivers hand?
My point was not that , although it maybe true. Given tat our Prime Minister can argue that a pissup in a garden was a “a work event” and in the US, 40something% of people still think there chosen idol won an election, If I had the money,
Not if you are British.
It might be worth remembering that the recommended service interval for a full belt/ ancillaries change on one of these (yes, it is an engine out job) is every 30,000 miles.
12V lights, they make a big difference.
Sometimes, not often, I quite like being me. Do not get me wrong but does Aggravated Assault Unit not sound like the last desperate defence of a rapist.
Being very English, not an eyebrow would be raised, a full cream tea would be provided and some gentle joshing.
Well, if you insist,
Ao would I, oddly they were, slightly cheaper for a long time, quieter, faster and almost practical.