
It makes sense. Murdoch's whole plan for the internet is to charge for content. He is doing it with WSJ and he will do it with every online newspaper he owns. He wants the internet to just be the same as the offline world, in which he owns everything and charges exorbitant rates....

Better and more honest title would be "The Best Looking 3D Glasses Still Look Like Shit"

Simply a knock-off credit-card roulette, which is a lot more fun and is purely a gamble on chance...

Sounds like someone just finished the Steve Jobs biography.....

Lovely, he can waste more of his money on another vain narcissistic fantasy, just like he did in fashion. Kayne needs to accept that his is simply a rapper and that is what he is good at. He''s not a fashion icon. He's not a technical innovator. He's not a genius. He's a rapper. Maybe he could donate his money to

this is worth it just to hear The FInal Countdown every morning... And it will give me a chance to practice my magic tricks...er... I mean "Illusions."

Thank you for reminding me of why I left Verizon in the first place. I was actually considering getting the new iPhone 4S form them, because their reception is so much better than AT&Ts and its still a world phone. However this kind of backwards nickel-and-diming is textbook Verizon. Remember when they used to block

If you can't shoot some one in the face with an RPG without lag, what's the point?

Shmuck, I've been camping for 20 years, and I still use the Backpacker Pantry's for dinner as they are easy as pie and grab-and-forgot food for the evening meal... Its a ludicrous statement to say that you "spot the newbies" because they don't have a freeze dreyer and dryhdrator as part of their home kitchen appliance

Dude justin Bieber is still a tweener. He's not having sex. He hasn't even hit puberty yet... He's like a little cherub... Even his gf has itty-bitty-titties...

he truly is a comic genius! best of his generation....

Watched it... Pretty funny. Not his best material ever but pretty good....Well with $5 and love that he is bypassing the rape-fest that the intermediaries put between viewer and artists. I almost say him live locally but refused when I saww that the transaction fees going to the ticket vendor where almost 40% the face

"show off your taste"? Hahah, yeah right. Its the Cadillac Escalade of luxury cars. I'm pretty sure the biggest buyers in America are rappers living beyond their means with a strong desire for ostentation.

Looks like a hipster bag to me....

What bike commuter doesn't have a waterproof bag? Do they even make bike backpacks that aren't waterproof anymore?

all I can say is....yaaawwnnnnnn.... I tried Spotify for a couple of months and what can I say, I just don't use it. They don't have quite a bit of the music I want and the iOS app does not make it convenient to carry my iTunes playlists with me everywhere which means I have to use 2 different apps to listen to

$350? How about a Glock 19 instead.... Can pick one up used for that price....

Netflix is dead to me. I will download this from Thepiratebay rather than re-subsrcibe with Netflix. I cancelled my account the minute they increased their fees and I'm never going back. Amazon Prime baybe!

"no more Best Buy ripoffs" So true. Went to Best-Buy yesterday to get a FireWire cable... $39.00!!!! I shit you not. I immediately went home and ordered a similar cable on Amazon for $6.99 should arrive Friday at no cost to me. I live in SF and it is almost impossible to find a cheaper deal on anything locally.

hopefully they are not as stupid as Netflix...