
This is the current histper-douchebag fashion item du jour. Wow, its like so retro and authentic and my grand-dad used one.... Who gives a crap? And since this is all about fashion, of course you have to tell everyone your using one since most people won't know unless they happen open it prominently displayed in your

IS anyone else irritated by Gizmodo's new format? I mean what the hell is this. I have a extremely narrow column to read blog posts (only reason I'm on here) with an annoying fixed frame to the right advertising crap and listings tagged posts that I'm already reading. This column eats up the screen space making

very exciting stuff.... too bad you can't taste, touch, feel, smell, or see any of this....making it, for all practical purposes, not based in human reality....

yeah, this shit doesn't really work unless you are tremendously disciplines and work at it day-in and day-out for years.... Personality is extremely stable over time and requires serious effort to change, which is why therapy takes so long....

unfortunately one's own mental illness does not qualify as a "tort" in American civil code.... sorry that you're crazy!

Truly a testament to how crappy pop music was in 2010. Is anyone not using auto-tune anymore? Surely it will become the quaint laughing stock that 80s synths were.....

Yes, but more importantly, which one of these slows down Firefox to an excruciating halt??? I ditched Firefox this year after years as a loyal user.

@Spartanical: yes. Sanctimonious is the word I was looking for! Thank you for verbalizing it for me. This is so San Francisco...I live here and run into the sanctimonious quasi-hippy attitude here quite a bit... Its all about letting people know that they are more noble than you and that you are commiting an offense

This must have been invented in San Francisco....Its passive-agressive elitist attitude and tone is a dead give-away.. I commute by bicycle and sure and frequently experience dangerous behavior by cars. I think screaming at them as actually a better response.... It gets their attention as someone has been screamed by

@joshleclair001: bingo. Ferris is paying people right and left to promote his crap.... it appears to be working too...

Reason why is that the author is going all-out to try to get top ranking on Amazon and is calling in chips with all his blogging buddies to promote the book.... Its working too....He has 137 5 Star reviews on Amazon and the book isn't even out yet!!! Amazing! This guy should write a book on self-promotion and

This is horrible advice. Free porn is totally safe. So is torrent downloading. They are both safe, fun, and free....

@julianda01: you can't give Murdoch credit for the WSJ's success. He only purchased it a 3 years ago. It has high circulation but is losing money. This is on purpose. Murdoch's goal is to run NYTimes into the grown, whatever the cost. He has said as much publicly.

Great, like we need more completely biased "news" with an agenda. I can't even read the Wall Street Journal anymore since it has become a mouthpiece for Murdoch and Co....

I love how the CHP official said "if you're Lindsay Lohan or ..." Really, that is supposed to be an example of someone with power and influence these days? Some ditsy blond teenage actress? Come-on. Who gives a shit. I honestly could not recognize her in a line-up and I bet anyone over the age 19 probably couldn't

Should read "get professional help." Why is it that its the right-wing nutjobs who pull all these crazy "I have way too much time on my hands" stunts? I mean Christ already.

Psychology research tells us that the human brain can quickly and easily detect fake smiles and forced emotional expression due to the differences in muscle tone/tightness as compared to real smiles and emotional expressions....

Ever since I switched to the iPhone 4 from the 3GS, I haven't had almost any dropped calls. Clearly the reception is significantly better...

Hahaha, that is hilarious.... I guess everyone suffers equally under the oppression of trendy Mission hipsters..... I have walked out of multiple restaurants because of the absurd wait, and usually accompanying crappy service....

Seems a little to geeky for use by guys whose primary activity is dating and sex..... Its two very different populations that rarely cross..