
well they do make high-lid plastic brewers. My understanding is the "improvement" has to do with how the water is funneled through the cone via the grooves in the Vario for example. You can control brewing time in a pour-over very very easily regardless of the product (e.g. let it steep longer, poor more

And I eat condescending idiotic comment trolls who manage to reply to comments from an article over a week ago like their life depended on it.

Not only is my experience the norm, but I was a PC technician for years while in college and reformatting was a comically common experience. The causation is quite simple: shitty and bloated operating system = lots of re-formatting and re-installing the OS.

Clever Dripper and Vario are just specific brands of coffee filter holders for pour-over brewing. There also plastic ones that sell for $1.95 that do the job just as well.

would make a very cool key-chain? Just image the conversations?

"The Iranian newspapers name is better translated as "Tribune of the Oppressed" or "poor.""

i'm sorry but a girl in 18" boots a mini-skirt and what looks like a lingerie top is not a "professional"

No one is forcing anything upon you. To discuss the idea that some people might find this degarding or ignorant or pointless as a "forcing sexual neurosis" on you really suggests that you have a very fragile psyche and probably quite a bit of neurosis yourself.

agree 100% with everything your said. I find them comically lame, really. Scantily-clad booth babes reflects very poorly on the company in my opinion. And I saw a couple of booths with women basically wearing lingerie... I mean come-on... Might as well attach a sign that says "TRASHY" to your booth right next to your

Oh I think its sexist in that objectifies women as purely physical objects and having them traipse around in demeaning clothing is well demeaning. However, these women are choosing to to do and these companies have every right to hire whoever they want to prompt their products so there is nothing to be done about it.

very true or that there aren't more (straight) male therapists. or more (straight) male nurses, etc. etc.e tc.

Free country dude. If booth babes didn't work, no one would use them. No crime here.

"It is also an abuse of power given the freedoms these companies enjoy in the marketplace today."

OK, OK, now its legitimately time for Terminator references. I mean those little predators were so tiny cute. I like my drones to be small enough to strangle a bathtub. This thing is huge. And with a missile or two I fail to see the difference between it and sensient human-killing robot monster....

One more reason to hate the RIAA and go out and steal some mp3s in protest.

will it come with HD Vision (TM)? I only buy displays that have HD VIsion (TM)

yes nothing like creating amazing products, tremendous simplicity, incredible functionality and innovating in design to "capitalize on stupidity."

As far as I can tell, an Ultrabook is just a Netbook with an SSD hard drive. They still run the god-awful Windows with its god-awful restriction and forced wallpaper, etc. I bought Netbook a year-ago. Sold it a week later it was so terrible. And now bought an Macbook Air 11". It runs like a dream and with the great

Haha, yeah its just too bad that we create almost all the culture, technology, and money for the whole nation.... What an amazing mental illness! Creates billions of dollars in GDP. Creates amazing technical marvels that the entire world adopts! Generous enough to transfer vast sums of its money to the Federal

"Has there ever been a coffee system in more dire need of re-invention than the drip system?"