
I think the very end of your comment is the key here. There’s connecting with your identity, which you can do as a bisexual woman in a monogamous relationship with a man, and there’s being with women, which you cannot. That’s not about biphobia, internalized or otherwise; it’s about longing, desire, and rightness.

Maybe don’t buy the prep pads and leave them for people whose medical conditions require their use.

Maybe don’t buy the prep pads and leave them for people whose medical conditions require their use.

post of the year.

I don’t know, man. I think it’s also part of friendship to realize that if you have something to share that has a lot of emotional charge to it, it might not always be a good time for that. Especially if you have the type of friendship where the response to that goes beyond lol omg wtf reactions and into really


Hahaha I still hear that kid’s voice when I think about being cold. 

I feel like calling someone a ‘fighter’ is code for ‘oh he is def gonna die.’ 

this movie killed jenny schecter 

I’ll take the promo video, but yeah, the show itself was weirdly unengaging. I didn’t expect that. 


it’s cool that so many of you live in a world free of homophobia!

For all of the hype, the new Lion King was.. not considerably more sophisticated than Homeward Bound. I assume this will be equally stupid. 

Joan is bi and married to a man, which makes it all the more befuddling. I think it’s maybe devaluing the experience of person in the interview because she is “thin, blonde, and famous”? Or maybe Joan is having a stroke, unclear.

What.. is this article? 

Exactly. I think this goes along with what Tracy is saying in the article- we need to believe it couldn’t happen to us, and fault-finding and punishment are ways to draw the line between us and The Kind of Person Who Could Do That. It creates cognitive distance from the reality that horrific accidents happen and we

2019 Jez is Olympic-level phoning it in. Forget names- what even is this article? Why is it here? Why does this crop of writers think that ‘lol idk wevs’ is a viable approach to whatever subject they’re writing about?

Probably we’re all just watching with our standards set to “rom com”, right? I was, and think I got more enjoyment out of it for going in with my expectations tempered. It was a good for the genre.

I divorced over this too. There was no girlfriend or Paris, but there was my absolute fucking refusal to accept giving birth to one child and suddenly having two babies to take care of. 

