
“I am a white person who voted for Trump and I don’t have a racist bone in my body.”

I’m still waiting for MS-Tres. Shit’s been held up longer than Half-Life.

Last one - 24 pages on my desktop monitor. 24 PAGES. I can string a lot of words together, but that’s next level. 

“Come try our new Improbable Chicken!”

“...the benevolent father of the internet...”

If it helped her process, accept and make sense of her dog’s illness and impending death (and it sounds like it did) it was $82.49 well spent. I think alternative therapies can have emotional and spiritual benefits that aren’t empirically quantifiable. The problem is when they’re used to replace comprehensive medical

He pulled himself up by his nutstraps!

Guy like this think having a dick & balls is an accomplishment. Like he was born flat like a Ken doll and had to grow them from scratch. 

Touche.  I’m sure his responses for Ivanka-related scandals will be “she’s not my type.”

He says that literally every time he fires someone or an associate goes to prison. “I didn’t know them; we barely talked.” I swear he just copy and pastes those responses. Such transparent bullshit.

Just using Blizzard as an example, Bobby Kotick makes 327 times the median income of Blizzard employees. If you are obsequious and simpering enough to believe that the person whose most notable contribution to his own workforce this year was laying off 800+ employees after record profits contributes 327 times the

The only reason I knew about it was because of reporting here and on Jez, they didn’t do a good job of marketing it at all.

The marketing for this movie sucked. The promos were all the same: overstuffed with characters, a lot of dialogue that doesn’t mean anything (and difficult to hear in the first trailer), incomprehensible plot, no significant set-pieces teased. There was nothing to grab you and make you think this movie could compete

I had no idea this was coming out, or that it was even a thing. I guess that explains the $8 million

There are tons of Boston fans who revere Russell but hate Kap and don’t see the parallel between the two.

This is amazing and as a 30-year-old I have zero shame in saying I want to be their friends. 

Something something “dress for who you wanna be”.

Dress like a god damn baller. Feel like a god damn baller. Be a god damn baller ^^

... ergot, they would not have accrued as long of a debt payment history.

“...trick out your pad.”