
Maybe, that’s a good thing. I mean, look at The Hobbit. Was that worth its own trilogy? I think not.

you think the solution is either to give financial support to the company they are protesting

The 5% ownership idea is a stretch, but gaining entry into the shareholder meetings is not.

The market rate as of right now is $218/share. Any online brokerage charges $5-$10 per trade. The final purchase price is $228/share at most for 1 share of GS. What part of this is difficult?

They can scream all they want during the day on public property, but I can have the cops remove them after 11pm under noise nuisance laws in my city if their shouting exceeds 55 decibels.

The proper way to get Goldman Sachs management’s attention is for each protester to buy one share of GS and attend the annual shareholders meeting. By law, the shareholders have a right to attend the meeting and the Board of Directors have to address any grievances from shareholders even if they hold one share. If

If someone came to your house and camped in your front yard and screamed all day and night about how bad you are, you would want to correct the record somehow. Right?

Will be nice to have Harley back. Getting tired of Whorely.

Right side better than left side. You can’t convince me otherwise.

the prequel trilogy was never a bad idea.

You mean Bobara?

I don’t know, I’m forty and still dress a lot like the 12 year old me.

Excellent piece. Seen the comparison with Leia before, Millie is just perfect for it. If Rebels hadn’t ruined the canon, they could’ve put her in the Young Leia role of The Force Unleashed.

It’s tricky, have you seen how fast they run?

Because there are standards in place for safety and building codes and storage units are not made to have people living in them like this from a fire hazard standpoint at least. And there’s no plumbing of any kind so anyone living there has to use the next door gas station for bathroom breaks and showering? And he

I never understood how some people have such a narrow view of the world that they couldn’t understand why some people live where the summers get above 90F or the winters below 10F or rains more than 150 days a year or where the commute is 2 hours each way or downwind of a factory or where there isnt enough room to


I’m glad they’re getting rid of those stupid collars everyone seemed to have after the New 52. That and the weird armor look.

If he was using FIREfox, he probably would have came out of this a little warmer...

No, but I reread the article in Liam Neeson’s voice, and I am far happier for it.