
get your shit together, PETA

PETA, it’s reality on the phone, they’d like a word with you.


Star Trek falls more under the old “Speculative Fiction” genre, Star Wars is more an homage to the old serials that Lucas and Spielberg watched as kids. The Buck Rogers, Commando Codys, Flash Gordans etc. More of a fantasy world set in space with knights and magic replaced with the force and Jedi.

What if a butterfly was made of butter?

It was neither civil, nor a war, discuss.

“Oh, you’re one of the good ones. Here’s some money.”

Sounds like she is just hoping for the best. Even her declaration that she would stand behind Trump comes with hesitation and acknowledgement that she does not share the same beliefs and will not force herself to. She even makes a point to say that she’s bunched into that negative stigma of what a Republican is,

Twist: Rey dies. Luke was the protagonist of the new trilogy stil after all.

Nope. @realdonaldtrump is his private account

Are there any other topics you guys can cover? I swear, if you post more tech stuff I’ll click the link. I’ll click all of the links.

What nonsense. “The problem is that he very likely isn’t allowed to do that anymore” is absolutely false. This is a private account. He’s still a person, and a citizen. He has the same right to delete his own tweet as anyone else. Even in the unlikely event that the Court found that any public records statute covers

Yup falls under department of interior which falls under executive.

They can tweet from their personal accounts all they want. Partisan opinions have no place on an official Park Service account.

Possible Hatch Act violation. Somebody at NPS is probs out of a job now.

I’ll go one further, does anyone think they can shitpost from their company twitter about their company or boss and get away with it? Go act like a child at home, not where you’re getting paid to WORK.

Does any reasonable person think that you’re going to shitpost from a government account and Trump is going to allow it to continue? Seems reasonable to me to ask them to stop posting on Twitter until further notice.

Hail to our glorious new leader!

Wait, am I the only one who loved Melania’s outfit?

I literally wrote the exact same comment before seeing yours. It like bad fan fiction.