So this is Naddy

I get what you are saying, but good YA is not simplistic. This is my personal cause - great children’s literature is just as nuanced as great adult literature. I can name a number of books written for 10-12 year olds with more sophisticated, nuanced, morally complex characters than in Freedom.

they just support policies that harm women, POC and the impoverished, they don't HATE them. Ok.

Because in the year 2015 being a Republican is synonymous with being a greedy, selfish, heartless person. All of the Republicans I know have one or more of these characteristics.

She was right. They’re cheering cos he’s fat, not cos he’s any good.

Not required, I’m sure. But it is a smarter choice.

You’re right, it’s not fair. I wish I could be them right now instead of privileged :(

Honestly, I have no patience for the people who frequent these establishments. The signs of abuse are everywhere. You have to be willfully ignorant to ignore them, get your nails done and then pay the shockingly low prices that they charge. I went last summer for a manicure in NYC for the first time because it was

Or, maybe the author was operating under the assumption that the majority of married people are not monogamish or poly at this point in time, rather than specifically calling you a liar. Deep breaths buddy.

The takeaway from this should not be, oh hey, when you get your mani-pedi, be sure to give the wage slave who does it a couple of extra bucks that her boss might not steal.

Not long at all. 4 weeks since we started talking, 1 week since we met. He’s really not used to online dating (I think I’m like, the first girl he’s ever met online - he says I’m not but I don’t believe him) so I think he’s a little apprehensive about how this all works and how Machiavellian it can be. I think he

Yeppppp a few weeks ago a guy was RELENTLESSLY pursuing me on Tinder/texts and literally the bare minimum amount of Facebook digging revealed that he had a girlfriend.

This is cute James. However, three months is nothing, kind sir. All your fellow actors have been working their asses off in the service industry for years waiting for shit to happen.

So you just carry that around wherever you go? In case a dildo-based argument breaks out?


I don’t understand the first one, either, but you are definitely sporting a sassy teen face in the second. Like your mom just told you that you can’t go to the mall because you’re room’s a mess.

I legit just smiled in response to your smile. Your smile is adorably contagious even through a computer.

Angles are everything apparently.

Well, naturally! Glasses = unfuckable = old. Who wrote this algorithm, the same people who wrote “She’s All That”?

I am 35. The Murdercorn is ageless. This program is an idiot.