

Die Hard! It’s not a Christmas movie per Willis, so ipso facto it’s a Halloween movie.

Die Hard! It’s not a Christmas movie per Willis, so ipso facto it’s a Halloween movie.

Meep meep!

Can DC at least get representation on the Splinter? Too much to ask?

Ah hem

RIP Coach!

His politics are the right kind of politics to some, so he never gets called on it. But he's planning on running for office after retiring.  FotF will be a shortcut for him.

He won't. He's planning on joining politics once he retires.  

He’s thinking about joining politics post-NFL. FotF is quite a shortcut for an all-American poster boy.

Following up along these lines.... it's clear to me he's been thinking about politics for a while, and FotF is grooming him for that.  


Someone gave him a diuretic.

Boards, of course.

*Marv Alberts voice* He's on fire!


Canadians call Kraft mac & cheese, Kraft Dinner.

With pixels?

Turn down*

Prosciutto wrapped scallops>>>bacon wrapped scallops. You don’t need to cook the prosciutto nor render its fat, and the flavor won’t outshine the scallop, but still adding umami. Crisps up easily, and while wrapping, will cling to itself and thus no toothpicks required. Cuts easily to the width you need to wrap a