
Kids these days, acting like paper just grows on trees

Kids these days, acting like paper just grows on trees

I’m surprised at caprica love, i thought everybody hated that show. It’s not the greatest but I enjoyed it and wish it would have run at least another season.

Caprica was so under rated and the stuff the creators said was going to happen drove me nuts with possibilities.

Caprica’s biggest problem was it was never intended to be in the BSG universe. It would have been better off as it’s own weirdo show.

Caprica was lots of fun. The tone was all over the place, so that some of the plot threads felt like the CW while others edged closer to HBO, but the cast was pretty great and it had some prescient insight about the way that decadence and radicalism bleed through from virtual worlds into the real one.

I came here to post this. Good job.

Awh, I forgot about Caprica!

Season 2 was a thing of beauty.

Now playing

Now if Dr. Ball were there she wouldn’t be dead.

Not just a continuity error: the stupidest continuity error of the whole stupid prequel trilogy.

“I have very clear memories of stuff as a kid that my parents assure me never actually happened.”

Maybe your parents are just Gaslighting you?

Padme dying is a continuity error. In Return of the Jedi, Luke asks Leia what she remembers of her real mother. Leia says that she was always sad. So it hints at the fact that Leia was partially raised by Padme before being adopted by the Organa’s. It was a stupid plot device by Lucas in Revenge of the Sith.

But it isn’t though. He hasn’t called out anyone specifically. And we’re getting to a point where you can’t say “America is doing something wrong,” in any way, shape, or form without someone hiding behind the U.S. military.

Counterpoint: Criticizing something is not the same as being disrespectful toward it.

It’s not a paradox. You’re too hung up on the flag. He’s not protesting the symbols (which represent much more than military service and the freedom of speech). He’s asking if the cultural and legal values that define those symbols are actually practiced in the United States. The people who are doing what you suggest

The American Flag is NOT about the military. Or rather wasn’t intended to be about the military. And if it’s become that, we should ask ourselves why we want the rest of the world to think “strongest, scariest, military,” when they see our flag.

You do realize that when John Carlos and Tommie Smith raised their fist in the air, they were accused of desecrating the National Anthem.

I get this view, but do you (or are you willing to) understand that to huge portions of this country the flag and the anthem have wholly different meanings?