
This is the first AI story I’ve ever heard that matches him spending $40k at TGI Friday’s

While I agree with you in general (in addition to thinking stretching this into Thiel’s involvement in Hogan’s suit is just more woe-is-us circlejerking), ESPN/Schefter/media in general are not bound by HIPAA. If this case was against the hospital, it’s different than bringing a case against a media body. However,

Kids these days, acting like paper just grows on trees

Kids these days, acting like paper just grows on trees

But it isn’t though. He hasn’t called out anyone specifically. And we’re getting to a point where you can’t say “America is doing something wrong,” in any way, shape, or form without someone hiding behind the U.S. military.

Counterpoint: Criticizing something is not the same as being disrespectful toward it.

It’s not a paradox. You’re too hung up on the flag. He’s not protesting the symbols (which represent much more than military service and the freedom of speech). He’s asking if the cultural and legal values that define those symbols are actually practiced in the United States. The people who are doing what you suggest

The American Flag is NOT about the military. Or rather wasn’t intended to be about the military. And if it’s become that, we should ask ourselves why we want the rest of the world to think “strongest, scariest, military,” when they see our flag.

You do realize that when John Carlos and Tommie Smith raised their fist in the air, they were accused of desecrating the National Anthem.

I get this view, but do you (or are you willing to) understand that to huge portions of this country the flag and the anthem have wholly different meanings?

This is a 100% empty and uncritical response that does not address what he is protesting.

OK so he can protest, but you just want to control exactly how he does it. Sounds very freedomy.

yeah, correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t all of those servicemen fight for exactly the right he just exercised?

Is it more disrespectful than having a contingent of the country literally being allowed to get away with murder? Kaep’s doing it because the country is falling short of what the flag is supposed to symbolize. The flag is nothing more than a symbol of the ideology this country is supposed to represent. When the

Only those dead black people should have a voice...

So you can’t criticize unless you are actively being oppressed at the moment, can’t look out for others if you have succeeded and if you are being “oppressed” then shouldn’t you be looking for a job instead of whining. It is almost as if...

Yeah... Try this link. It always helps me come down from a Coulter-rage.

TMI time: I pick my nose, each nostril, once each day. Not sure why but my nose and ears produce a lot of material and it just has to go. My wife says I need to blow my nose but that doesn’t help because the boogs are hard as a rock. I don’t think I nick the interior or cause bleeding though, but maybe I’ve just

Actually, in the Germanic dialect that developed into English, the relevant prefix for disambiguating man was “woepen”, cognate to “weapon” and “penis”. So man can be used to refer to either “penis-humans” or “wife-humans” ;)

all i’m reading rn is penis penis penis penis penis penis

I hope this has been mentioned around here before, and I don’t expect anyone cares, but historically “man” was a gender-neutral term (back in the middle ages the prefixes wer- and wif- specified “male man” or “female man”). This has a legacy in our modern language in the same sort of way that words that came to us