
Even if she were raped six months ago and still processing a traumatic event, who would assume referencing a ubiquitous meme and song from a few years ago could trigger anyone? There was no rape joke, no rape threat, just a good-natured reference to the lyrics of a novelty song by a guy who (IIRC) saved his sister

wasn’t satisfied even with a month of paid leave over a reference to a song that contained a rape joke (even where the rape joke wasn’t what was being talked about)

And the fact that he apologized so vehemently tells me he fucking knew it wasn’t appropriate for the workplace.

Yes, a coding team should immediately hire some people with Gender Studies degrees to balance out the ratio.

I have no idea what industry you work in but I can tell you from experience that IT staff don’t really get a lot of female applicants. Certainly not enough to get to a ratio that’s representative of society.

How many times does one need to apologize for doing literally nothing wrong in order for it to be acceptable for you?

i would not hire you.

You don’t math much, huh?

I’d normally agree with you, but I looked—like, read and reread this article—and, for the life of me, could not find the rape joke to which this woman so vehemently and obstreperously objected. There’s a very real difference between making a rape joke and referencing a piece of pop culture which itself references

Wow you are such a delightful person, I can see why you are on her side.

Is it really debatable? The whole incident is laid out in front of us in chat. Are we going to start forbidding employees from making pop culture references? Can two adults no longer have a watercooler chat about a new album/movie/TV show because it has some offensive language or topics in it? (which they aren’t

As the only straight white guy on a team of twenty people that works in a federal office of predominately black people, I’ve adapted. It’s a lean-in scenario.

It is not a failure in leadership by default. If I have 30 employees, I am not expected to have 15 men and 15 women. Instead, I am expected to have 30 men and women that are qualified to do the job. If I for some reason have 30 applications and 29 are male and 1 female, what do you expect me to do? I’m not going to go

I’m actually surprised you don’t agree. She voiced her objection and it was heard. The person she was talking to apologized, said it would never happen again, and she kept going. She kept going, saying nothing was being done, but it had already been resolved. She was the one not being reasonable, and they gave her a 1

Meh, I have a CS Degree.. Those numbers sound about right for my school (30:1) Male/Female. You cant complain about a disparity in a workplace if its a engineering team, and women for the most part, dont move into those areas.

I feel no pity for this woman. Not once in the chat log was there anything alluding to rape, just the song. The rape portion of the song wasn’t even what they were joking about. The guy apologized MULTIPLE times, and yet she still felt the need to email Tim Cook (who by the way won’t read this petty crap anyways

So Peter Thiel gets final editorial say on every post they write from now on? Because that’s what you’re saying. If he files a lawsuit, the post gets taken down, regardless of whether the lawsuit has merit? There’s no journalistic endeavor in the US which operates under such restrictions.

Peter Thiel is probably clapping his hands somewhere around the corner.

This is the first AI story I’ve ever heard that matches him spending $40k at TGI Friday’s

While I agree with you in general (in addition to thinking stretching this into Thiel’s involvement in Hogan’s suit is just more woe-is-us circlejerking), ESPN/Schefter/media in general are not bound by HIPAA. If this case was against the hospital, it’s different than bringing a case against a media body. However,