
I really blew an audition once when we were supposed to be doing funny improv’ed banter and I was asked what movies would be terrible musicals.

“Wake up sheeple!!! Big Chemtrail is taking over....silently seaping into your genes.”

Wake up sheeple!!! Big Chemtrail is taking over....silently seaping into your genes. It’s a good thing my Tesla has a disaster mode button or I’d be fucked too.

Flap hinge covers. Right. That’s what Big Contrail WANTS us to think. Stop trying to pull the wool over our eyes, shill!

I love being a KC-10 boom operator, and this is one of the reasons. KC-10s, due to their enormous size and “liquid-carrying” capacity are considered by the tinfoil-hat crowd to be the prime dispersal vehicle for chemtrails. There was even a video on the Tube of You that crowed about how they noticed our “nozzles” -

The result is to make most of us not believe in chemtrails. And it’s obviously working!

Each party has 35-40% (depending on how you count), that are ride or die, and will vote the party NO MATTER WHAT.

Yes, in this case it is WTF, but not at all surprising.

Winning a national election is about swinging that 15% or so you need to pull from the middle, and since Trump has done less than zero to make that

I only screw you to hear that song afterwards.

Say what you will, but those thieving, drunk driving, drug users didn’t blink before putting themselves in-between this woman and danger.
A woman it was not their job to protect.

Do you know many fathers who grab their daughters’ hips? We did an informal “weird or no?” thread here on Jez awhile back, and it was a unanimous EWW NO. But, still open to hear others’ stories if yes. Myself can’t fathom it.

could be worse, Katy - he could treat you like family:

Can we get Jamie Lannister as head of the presidential detail? Just in case...

This really is fucking disturbing. Donald Trump gives literally not one shit about a long list of American freedoms. One might argue that he actually kind of hates America. I am very sad to see how well he’s doing in the popular vote. What the hell, world.

The Secret Service...had to protect a reporter...FROM A PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE AND HIS CROWD. I just....

If Trump becomes president, do you think the Secret Service’s job will be to protect the rest of us from him?

You don’t operate a vehicle while intoxicated, on drugs (legal or illegal) or very tired. Many studies have shown that reaction times are lower in very tired people when compared to intoxicated ones.

Bottom line, let’s ban “staying awake” because too much of it can lead to indirect fatalities.

I mean, we can be even clearer, if that’ll help you.

On the other hand that’s irrelevant to the issue of whether marijuana should be legalized. It’s entirely possible for a substance to be legal while operating a vehicle while under the influence of the substance is still illegal. I mean at least I imagine that’s something the law could theoretically do.

I haven’t smoked in ages so I’m not certain I qualify as a ‘pothead’

Annual deaths from alcohol: 88,000