That’s the point. How do you decide who is able to follow those “simple” rules and who cannot?
That’s the point. How do you decide who is able to follow those “simple” rules and who cannot?
True victims’ bodies have a way* of shutting this down.
This is exactly why I stay the fuck away from people with guns - they repeatedly demonstrate they are absolutely incapable of following the most basic safety procedures.
Guys I’m suuuuuper confused, what the hell are any of these things?
I was raised by a gun collector and grew up hunting, so I am quite familiar with guns. And if you were quite familiar with guns, you would always ALWAYS be wary of a loaded gun in any situation. And you would always ALWAYS assume a gun is loaded unless you just unloaded it (including clearing the the one in the…
Much, much worse has been said about the Holderness videos elsewhere (see YouTube).
Do they also switch out the tile around the edge of the pool?
If it is a water issue, how did the graphics on side of the platform change from blue to green as well?
I guess they win the “Greenest Olympics ever” title.
You have no right to make judgments about how much I’ve jerked off!
Darth Wader
Try to keep this straight. You’re supposed to have read Mein Kampf so that you can recognize passages from Mein Kampf. That way you don’t unwittingly retweet Hitler’s ideas. Okay? Now that you’ve read Mein Kampf, you are a fascist or a sympathizer.
Shouldn’t it be up to the individual if they want to learn the language or not? If they manage to get by only knowing a little, what difference does it make to you? How is your life affected by a guy not knowing fluent English but knows enough to function in society?
What difference would it make to you either way if someone else didn’t learn to speak English?
Well you are doubling down on racism so I guess it would make sense to dismiss you as a racist.
Make assimilation great again.
Why would I have a problem? Most first generation immigrants that move post-school struggle to learn the language fluently. That has always been the case in the US. It works fine. Older immigrants learn enough to get by, and the second generation becomes fluent. No reason to be shitty about it.