
Damn jews amirite.

That is but one of many, many reasons why people hate Yankee fans. Many, many reasons.

Yeah but it's not like there are tall buildings in between since Gateway computers went out of business.

they also both potentially employ a rushin’ leader

I have never felt more sympathy for Cowboys fans than I do at this very instant, having just finished this article.

I guess I like to play with my food.


I can see The Onion headline now.

I still love animal crackers. I eat the head first, then the feet, then the body.

Most of the Little Debbie catalog holds up well. My favorite were (and still are) the Nutty Bars, but Zebra cakes, Jelly Rolls, and even the Oatmeal Creme pies are still pretty tasty.

Coworker of the cosplayer; I saw the whole thing go down. So perhaps I can clarify a few things I’ve seen brought up in other comments:

Retaliation against an employee grievance based on discriminatory dress code policy is okay in your book? It is actually illegal and violates Title say she was an idiot...her employers are the clear idiots who did not consult a employment attorney before changing the policy.

This does not negate her absolute lack of professionalism which will result in her being fired.

Sounds like a reader who didn’t read the article and is bitching about what they imagine the article was about. Aside from that, do you really believe that rules are rules, no matter how stupid, and once set no one should ever bitch about them or try to change them?

Jim Brown had more than a non novel idea that racism is bad. He made a stand when it could have cost him everything. Yep he did bad shit and that should be on his ledger when looking at him on the whole but to reduce his social impact as a non novel idea that racism is bad is so inherently stupid offensive and wrong

A far less horrible sin, but a sin nonetheless, was him wearing this:

I totally understand where the Thunder are coming from on this one. The longer they keep me waiting, the less money I give waiters.

The Knicks are a super-team. All the guys have taken second jobs in property management.

I always thought Arenas was a straight shooter.

Umm yeah, Retarded is a pretty big trigger for most mentally or physically disabled people. As a parent of two Autistic kids who are both rather intelligent, it makes me cringe to hear someone say the word retarded when they mean it to denote being stupid. But it even goes back farther for me. I used to volunteer with