
Only those dead black people should have a voice...

So you can’t criticize unless you are actively being oppressed at the moment, can’t look out for others if you have succeeded and if you are being “oppressed” then shouldn’t you be looking for a job instead of whining. It is almost as if...

If he doesn’t store any patient data on it, it’s not covered under HIPAA. Additionally, some groups do have exemptions from those HIPAA requirements, at least temporarily. Of course, the more likely reason is that he’s a cheap ass idiot/isn’t really a doctor.

It’s precisely because patient data is stored on servers separate from the local OS that it doesn’t matter if he’s using XP, and technically not a violation of HIPAA.

Just about any hospital in the US will have a workstation somewhere running XP. It’s usually operating some kind of equipment, and updating could be a major inconvenience or not possible at all. The Security Rule simply requires that any PHI (protected health information) is protected by an up-to-date user

Most EMRs(Epic, Meditech, etc.) don’t store any data on the local end-point. There’s these things called servers...

Uh, except for the fact that a lot of medical software still only runs in WinXP, or requires expensive new licenses for the newer OSes (or so I have been told by IT people in that industry).

Unfortunately, there’s a pretty extensive track record indicating that he’d outdo Leto’s behind-the-scenes performance, as well.

As it should be. This movie falls into the “so bad it’s good” category.

Travolta acting like Cage acting like Travolta and then Cage acting like Travolta acting like Cage!

Nic Cage was fantastic. “I could eat a peach for hours.” I’m still not 100% sure what it means (cunnilingus?), but his delivery was great. :)

Yeah... Try this link. It always helps me come down from a Coulter-rage.

TMI time: I pick my nose, each nostril, once each day. Not sure why but my nose and ears produce a lot of material and it just has to go. My wife says I need to blow my nose but that doesn’t help because the boogs are hard as a rock. I don’t think I nick the interior or cause bleeding though, but maybe I’ve just

1) Alan Moore’s Watchmen - Such a singular work of hero deconstruction. As I read it, I felt the various characters, both powered and unpowered, representing Jungian archetypes. Pragmatic, Cynical, Idealistic, Amoral, Faithful, etc... all had their moments in the dirty sunlight. The whole arc was grim, yet it had a

Sandman #1 - #75 & the special, by Neil Gaiman & various.

I’d probably say Alan Moore’s run on Swamp Thing.

Wolverine #1-4

Actually, in the Germanic dialect that developed into English, the relevant prefix for disambiguating man was “woepen”, cognate to “weapon” and “penis”. So man can be used to refer to either “penis-humans” or “wife-humans” ;)

all i’m reading rn is penis penis penis penis penis penis

I hope this has been mentioned around here before, and I don’t expect anyone cares, but historically “man” was a gender-neutral term (back in the middle ages the prefixes wer- and wif- specified “male man” or “female man”). This has a legacy in our modern language in the same sort of way that words that came to us