
When my BF orders two fingers of scotch, he likes to hold out his index finger and his pinkie. He would have been happy with the result in this story, even if it was the wrong liquor.

It absolutely is. “I don’t want your meatballs” is my new favorite way to tell someone to fuck off.

Today I am reminded of a story featuring my late, wonderful grandparents. While traveling in Baja California, they stopped at a little cantina to get out of the heat for a bit. They ordered beers. When the beers arrived, the glasses felt like they just came out of a steam bath. This was counterproductive to their goal

The guy responsible for making the coffee for this event was the most clueless, unhygienic piece of crap I’ve ever worked with (outside of academia).

I knew it wasn’t real, but I had somehow gotten the idea that it was more of a mystery than a horror movie. Soft of like an X-files episode. I thought there would be an investigation into the disappearance of these three teenagers to determine if there was really a witch or not. Holy crap, was I creeped out. I don’t

I used to manage an apartment building for people with disabilities. One of the tenants would play loud video games. The lady living downstairs from him had severe mental health issues and believed quite sincerely that the FBI was interrogating and beating up people in the building. We started getting letters in

This is great, I hope you get a lot of useful data! I answered as well as I can remember - my sex ed course in high school was over 20 years ago. My experience may have been different from many students in my school because I took my health class during summer school. It was an option in our district to take certain

Those tricksy potatos. Don’t trust em as far as you can throw em.

I believe that dissing someone’s BF and then acting like nothing happened when they get engaged, to the point of assuming inclusion in the wedding party, is a faux pas compounded with nonsense.

I know, right! I was like, of course she didn’t invite him, because if he showed up people would start saying “ROSS AND RACHEL LOL” and who needs that at their wedding.

Totally. Parents should teach those things. A lot of parents don’t for various reasons. Sometimes the parents themselves have no clue. Sometimes they believe that keeping their kids in the dark about adult subjects will keep them pure and innocent forever. Sometimes they would rather do everything for their kids well

Fuck chickens. Don’t hold

I don’t think it’s a euphemism so much as UK-isms. I believe “High street” just means “where the fancy shit is.” And we use “gentleman’s club” here, too, so whatever.

Serious sex ed classes do exist, and some states actually do fund them, BUT they leave it up to the individual school boards and schools as to whether they want to implement them. FUN!

How about identifying bullshit comments?

Oh, the joyous truth. Working as a housing case manager, the agency had supplied us with a half-ton pickup with which we were to assist with client moves. No, we didn’t have any money in the budget to help them move, just the truck. So we drove the truck back and forth however many times it took, while the clients

If I were going to put any instructions on a man’s dick, for real, German would be most appropriate. Stehen sie auf!