
Shut your mouth.

There’s an age for that? I need to know what it is, because green bananas are my thing. Once they have a hint of brown on them, I’m done... until they turn totally brown and ready for making tasty banana bread.

No, he would give free ketchup to all his friends and then declare bankruptcy, and blame it on the “socialists” in Washington.

I totally agree on the FFS part, but to answer your question, I believe rice is gluten free. My great-aunt had celiac’s and she would eat rice. So rice and rice noodles should be fine as long as the noodles are not made with any additional grains.

“I have never been to a wine tasting.” There’s your operative phrase. It’s a wine bottle. At a winery. The wine is stored in casks before being bottled. The bottles are stored carefully so as to preserve their value for sale. Not in the rat toilet. It’s a business, not the Count of Monte Cristo.

There have been stories of great customers, as well as terrible managers, crazy chefs, and servers who forgot their brains when they went to work that day. The thing is, when you get bad service and you deal with it politely, that’s what you’re supposed to do. Unless the server did something outrageous or hilarious,

“I know it’s not my place to say this, but...”

It is now! And it’s delightful.

You’re 1,000 times smarter than the dickwad in the story, and, incidentally, everyone who likes Donald Trump.

I’m an AMERICAN and I demand that the red, crunchy food filled with gluten and animal products be removed from my sight immediately, or I will call corporate headquarters in Florida and have you fired! Also, get me some free sunscreen.

See your friends apparently lack that one quality that sets this crew apart - this is a group of assholes.

Just sitting here having my *delicious* protein and fruit smootie.... sigh...

“We hated Disneyland. The lines were long, the weather was too hot and we never saw Mickey once! We want our $500 back!”

Truth. I can only imagine the hell that woman lives in.

Geez, that’s taking this kind of behavior to a Munchausen by Proxy level. “You need to eat the way I say, because regular food is making you sick!” *people eat crazy food, get sick* “See, I told you, you’re all sick! My family is incredibly sick, you should all be very sorry for me!”

So, Trump Tower is... a giant fart penis? Seems right.

If you go with someone old enough or with any kind of disability, the wheelchair is the way to go. Front of the line!

I feel your pain. I recently... got out of the non profit biz. Everywhere I worked either viewed the clients as mooching scumbags who deserved their lot in life, or perfect angels such that even saying that they got on one’s nerves sometimes was anathema. Why can’t we all just agree that people are annoying, no matter

Maybe not in so many words, but teenage girls represent a threat to middle-aged suburban housewives. Husbands of such women have been known to trade in for a newer model, so to speak. It’s clearly not their great personalities that landed them the cushy housewife gig.

I hear yakkity sax playing, while I simultaneously applaud your actions.