
RDJ can pose with Ferraris all day and all night as far as I’m concerned. He has gone through enough and done enough ironic self-deprecation, and brought joy to millions of people, including women like me who appreciate a smarmy wiseass, even if he is elitist. 10/10 still a fave.

Not even. Men who use vocal fry sound “gay.” It’s misogynistic, but like many forms of misogyny it gets used to target both women and men who fail to conform to norms of masculinity.

I’d like to express my concern at Sharon Stone’s new eating disorder. Devouring magazines is not healthy.

This is either the worst shop ever or they literally took a picture of a Kylie doll.

My mother calls Pharrell the Arby’s Hat Guy, and had no idea that Arby’s actually bought his hat and then tweeted about it.

I once worked in a building that had a freight elevator way in the back. It was the only way to access the mezzanine, which was literally a half-floor like in Being John Malkovich. That’s where we put the archives, and, as the assistant to the archivist, I went there a lot. I found that freight elevator to be very hot

Frotteurism is indeed a thing. Pretty much always men who like to rub up against strangers for sexual thrills. If you haven’t encountered it, you are both lucky and someone who has never been on a busy subway.

This sounds like exactly the sort of thing my grandma would have done, except that I think she would have tried to make a joke or something after she realized her mistake. Then she would have commiserated with the staff and told them a story about one of us grandkids. She could admit she was wrong... sometimes... but

It’s a character in EVERY John Waters movie.

I had the same thought, and still feel horribly deprived that I am not already familiar with this magical garlic spoon phenomenon.

We played with my BF’s parents. What were his sister’s parents hiding from her? Doing it in the butt. I’ve never been so glad not to be biologically related to the people in the room.

UGH. People who won’t go to a sushi restaurant without making faces constantly because EEWWW RAW FISH! They are basically begging everyone they know to never go out in public with them again.

I am starting a theme park called “Yoko World.” Guests will randomly destroy shit and scatter it through the park. There will be attractions such as “paint feelings,” and “eat sadness”. Guests will be required to create a new outfit for themselves out of bits of flotsam and wear it all day. This new outfit will be


I used to think that but lately she seems more down to earth and friendly. She and RiRi together seem so fun and relaxed and refreshing.

My BF LOOOOOOOVES smoked oysters. We do have cats, and yes wet food smells like garbage. But the smell of smoked oysters makes me literally want to heave. The rule is he can only eat them in the house if I am asleep or not at home.

Up until last year, rookie wideouts were notorious for being unreliable.

High blood pressure. Can’t keep it up in a standing position.

I grew up among classy people, and so the rule was this: Alcohol served before noon must be mixed with fruit juice. Mimosas and bloody marys all the way. After that, it’s all good.