
See, everyone shits on the Chicago deep-dish, but the beauty part is that one slice is practically a meal. Two slices is a feast. You will never take it from me.

Yikes. It was a doozy. Not fit to be out for a few days after. My car was completely buried and I had just bought it, having never driven anywhere but CA before. So I did not have a shovel or any snow implements at all. Eventually I got my backpack and hoofed it to a store through still-unplowed streets and uncleared

If you recall, near the beginning of E.T. there is a scene where one of the boys calls someone else “penis breath.” I was about five and did not know what that meant, but I knew it was an insult. So I made a sign that said “peanut breath” so that I could show it to people and let them know that I was not happy with

U of C, class of 99. I miss it too!

*smacks head* but of course!

So many extra letters. Too rich for my bloode.

Great minds think alike. Also, your handle is everything and has made my day.

My only question is how he manages to walk around with balls that size.

Just like shoppes, and anything that is Olde Time.

I can only hope that I would answer that question by looking the asker dead in the eye and saying, “That would depend on the human being to be killed.”

I ordered deep-dish pizza in Chicago on the night of the blizzard of New Years 1999. I had just flown back from LA and had no food in the house. Having heard the weather report I skipped the Blue Line and just took a cab straight from OHare to Hyde Park, worth every penny, because the snow was just starting to come

Uncomfortable, yes, but then I have always relished that sort of task. I tried working as a sex educator but the family planning clinic was too conservative for me.

I feel like this could be taken as shots fired in a glorious pizza chain war that could carry on for months, if not years. You deliver a pizza to our pizza joint, so we send our employees undercover to pose as asshole customers and make ridiculous demands. They spike our water supply, so we burn down their city hall.

As soon as I saw “University of Santa Monica” I knew there was something fishy. There’s no UC in SaMo (there is a JC - Santa Monica City College), but there are a lot of wealthy, self-indulgent and gullible white people.

Nifty, thanks! Sounds like a fun story.

Oh wow, that choral rendition of “Wish Upon a Star”. I grew up in So Cal and went to Disney many times. As recently as the 90s locals could get a discounted ticket during the off-season for less than $25. So much nostalgia, I just can’t.

Me too! I say things like “super-duper” all the time, as well as a bunch of sayings I inherited from my grandmother, like “let’s get the road on the show” and “judas priest ridin on a bicycle.”

Yeah, totally. I can understand how someone might have started down the road of anthro/furry starting with Justin. I also had a huge crush on Riff Raff, not from RHPC but the animated cat character from the Heathcliff cartoon. I always liked bad boys, what can I say.

Yeah, totally in concurrence that it was an asshole comment on Bourdain’s part. It’s still fairly common for men to get gay-baited when they don’t perform masculinity to society’s standards. And the fat-shaming aspect as well, implying that a man who marries a woman larger than a supermodel must be looking for a

As a woman with a male partner who is not at all macho, rather bookish, and can dress himself just fine, I sympathize with Ina regarding this insinuation. Yes, he is straight. I can confirm. If he were even just a tiny bit heteroflexible, you better believe I’d be all about taking advantage of that. No, he’s just an