
I hear that pureeing food, like freezing bread, “kills” it and chemically alters it such that all nutritional value is lost. (not entirely making this up, sadly)

I heard once that people with fetal alcohol syndrome have mad sugar cravings. I can see that happening if the effects on the digestive system make their blood sugar levels unstable.

Ah, hell yeah. “I don’t know the author or the title but the cover is blue. And it’s about squirrels, I think. Or maybe murder.”

I know, it’s terrible. At least it wasn’t alcohol vomit. And I hadn’t really eaten, so just stomach acid, mostly. Still, I felt especially bad for affecting commuters. One expects such things in the wee hours, not so much during the commute.

I’m with you on this one. I am impressed with Ferrari Guy’s commitment to the bit.

Um, yeah, what you said. Mr. Willow is an attorney. He graduated law school in 2010. Once he passed the bar, he started working as an associate with a solo practitioner. He makes roughly the same amount that I do working in non-profit human services. He’s worth way more than that, but the jobs are not there.

I also contributed grimness to an elevated train ride in Chicago. I was taking the Blue Line to the airport early in the morning when my stomach started to churn. Eventually I could not hold it anymore and leaned over and threw up in the aisle. I was mortified but didn’t know what to do. In retrospect, it was probably

Gaga is everything. She is a force of nature. She dresses the world in rainbow flavored love and lemon drop kisses. It might seem, to a casual observer, that she is “over” the pop dance music and the avant-garde performance art/couture, but no. People of Earth, she is just beginning. She is in the midst of a

All of those things are deplorable, and indefensible even from the standpoint of “freedom of religious worship.” I’m actually highly amused by the idea that the court had to rule on whether or not the court could rule that someone is or is not divine. Anyone can claim to be getting messages from Jesus and the Angels

I was lacto-ovo for 9 years and I never, ever tried to convert anyone or make a big deal out of it. I was able to coexist peacefully with carnivores, who, it turns out, can be very gracious about accommodating odd diets when nobody is harassing them to give up their ways. Anyone who claims to have found the “One Twooo

This is basically the thesis of Arlene Stein’s “The Stranger Next Door,” a great study on homophobia in rural America that I used to teach in my Sociology of Sexualities classes. She did a lot of research into Dobson and the FRC, as well as what was happening on the ground in places where gay rights were under attack.

LOVE. I mean really. Two women in LOVE. What could be more offensive?

My mother can be a bear. She’s usually a nice, decent person, but she has almost zero tolerance for things not going her way. Not getting what she wants or getting attitude from a service rep sets her off, as does the prospect of spending more money than she expected. My stepfather had to make her go back into the

Yes, exactly. And Axis II conditions are not easily treatable with medication. You can take some of the edge off, but that’s about it. Long-term, intensive, trauma-focused work is the only real solution, and that’s both expensive and difficult to pull off.

Whatever issues she may have, she clearly knew what she was doing. It’s her lifelong lack of a relationship with the truth that is so obviously pathological. A trait that many sociopaths and psychopaths have in common. Just because it fits with a diagnosis found in the DSM does not mean that the individual isn’t

That’s the thing. This guy may not have been a raging asshole on the surface, but he KNEW perfectly well what he was doing, and he knew he could get away with it. I’m sure that if he went to work and was told that he would only be getting $2 for these two hours because the customer got the items gratis, he would not

We’re really getting into the boundaries between descent, race, ethnicity and nationality here. “African” in the context of African-American identity and reporting for demographic purposes refers to race, not nationality. A person who is ethnically Chinese but was raised in Mauritius would be considered Mauritian by

HAM ARM. Like RUM HAM but for autocannibalism.

Have you ever seen a britcom by the name of May to December? It’s about a middle-aged man who marries a much younger woman.... who becomes stepmother to a man almost her own age. And the tone of the show is “wacky shenanigans with heartwarming endings.” Again, not saying it’s any worse than Real Housewives or any

LOL. John Lydon never gets tired of taking credit and being a general arsehole. He’s my birthday twin, by the way. Explains a lot.