
Precisely. It’s not that the bulk of British TV is any better than American TV. We see the cherry-picked favorites because that’s what gets distributed here. They have crap TV, too, we just don’t see it as much.

At the library where we worked we got our shipment of Deathly Hallows and separated them into reserve copies, which would go out immediately to the people who were on the 300-deep reserve list, and shelf copies, which were available to anyone. We put a few of the shelf copies out on the circulation desk at the

I work in the human service industry, so Kat’s story is particularly fun for me. At one point I worked for a home health agency as an office assistant. On my first day, my coworker presented me with an envelope covered in handwritten phone numbers. He said that I should just call the numbers and find out what was on

Rizzo? Is that you?

Both my first kiss and my date to the 8th grade graduation dance were gay. I thought they were super cute, and in the mid-90s it was even less common for kids to come out at that age. I’m sure she remembers you fondly.

True story: my grandmother and her friends went to an insurance agency that was advertising for women employees during WWII. They all took placement tests. Her friends were offered jobs as secretaries, and my grandmother was offered a job as an accountant. She turned it down because she hated doing math.

The pig lives with his old driver, in a huge backyard.... and they facetime. He facetimes with a pig. A pig who lives with his old driver. It took me a while to process this item, and I’m still in awe at how completely bananas it is.

Good god, Pinkham. What did you do to deserve this miserable Greek chorus of Snoping blowhards. You only give us sweet, delightful, hilarious human frailty, week in and week out, asking little in return. I would like for the masturbating space wizard from Denny’s to visit all of them at their jobs. If only so we could

Good point. Also noted as to the issue of tips not going to counter staff at counter-service places. I try to use my judgment there. If the place is locally owned, and seems to be an upstanding establishment in the community, I feel more inclined to tip because it seems more likely that the staff will actually get the

This would appear to be the happy medium. From the podunk-ass part of New York I’m in, everything south of the Western PA/NY line is downstate. From within the boroughs, everything north of the boroughs is upstate.

That type of assistance should be available for anyone with a child or expecting a child. I also think it's great if churches provide that for their communities, and if they don't provide abortion or contraception, just say so up front. If we truly respect women's choices in reproduction, we need to also respect the

HBO needs to get their stand-alone streaming subscription service up and running, and available through my blu-ray player, like, now. So many good things I need to see!

This was my reaction when the gyno explained to me that male partners can't feel the Nuvaring, and if they do, they don't mind. What the hell do I care? If they MIND my preferred birth control method, they're not welcome. I can't imagine anything I would use being more intrusive on the act than a male condom, and if

I was told an abortion could rip a hole in my cervix, causing my intestines to be pulled through it.

+1,000,000 points. Best creche ever.

It's almost as if anti-abortion sentiment were somehow related to men's fear of being vulnerable to the reproductive capacity of women...

I only wish I could have the sense of innocence and wonder displayed by this man and his lack of beach knowledge.

When I was in college, I lived in my boyfriend’s apartment for a summer before we moved into my first actual apartment, along with our roommate. I was talking to my grandmother about our moving plans when she asked what I had to sleep on. I said, “we have a futon mattress that we put on the floor.” She was appalled

Your story brought tears to my eyes, because my grandmother did the same for me when I had an insufferable teacher in 5th grade. Grandma was an elementary school teacher herself. When my teacher started assigning so much busywork that I could barely get through it, and would end up crying because I couldn’t stand the

Earlier this year we lost my grandmother, who was, for all intents and purposes, my mother’s co-parent. We lived with my grandparents until my mother married my stepfather, and then I stayed with grandma and grandpa while mom and stepdad moved in together. She raised me as much as or more than my mom did, and was the